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Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.
We lost our beloved rescue Bella on the 7th March 24 we don't know why, she was a happy dog one day the next day she became poorly.
We have had no answers as to why she passed over to the rainbow bridge where she will now be reunited with her brother Moss.
We love and miss her so much, she had her own personality – She was a Daddy's girl always by his side watching his every move, she gave us the best 9 years of our lives.
It is with thanks to Ann from RIN for introducing us to two beautiful souls they will always hold a special place in our hearts which are broken.
There is an empty space on the sofa where you watched over us. Our lives won't be the same our sweet girl Bell Bell.
Rest in peace sweet girl
Angela and Jeff (Mum and Dad)
It’s with a broken heart I try again to write this that my lovely son Ronnie passed away in my arms peacefully with no fuss on boxing night.
After being diagnosed in November with lung cancer he fought so hard and showed no pain and that’s Ron he was a true warrior.
100 percent Rottie loyal, loving, caring to those he loved which was mainly me and his other best mate Larry (my brother).
I adopted Ron in March 2016 after travelling to meet Ann and Ron a few times and being checked out by Sue.
I mean look at his cheeky face in the photo of him on R.I.N....I just fell in love with him then.
We all love our pets and having loved many Rotts my Ron was the one my special boy and I miss him more than words can say.
He knew my every word and I him he was my whole world and I’m so lost without him.
I would like to thank Sue and all those at R.I.N as without you not only saving Ron (and many, many others) you saved me too.
The best near eight years of my life. Rest in peace son I will never ever forget you. I know your happy with Ann and your other mates.
See you at the rainbow bridge.
Love always Sharon (Mum)xxx

24 April 2014 ~ 26 December 2023
Rest In Peace Ron...
It is with a heavy heart, and through many tears we said goodbye to the very handsome Vinnie. Although we had his company for such a short time,
we visited so many places, from days on the beach paddling in the sea, holidays in Northumberland and Scotland.
He was with us just short of a year but during that time brought so many happy memories - from pinching John's sandwich (I laughed so much…he was so cross!) -
to loving days out in the car, and his snoring at bed time.
Thank you so much to Sue and Tammany for allowing us to be his companions right until the end.
He has left a huge hole in our hearts, but loved the time we had with him.
Thank you for everything you did for both him and us.
John and Janet Holland
14 FEBRUARY 2010 - 10 OCTOBER 2023
Rosemary Bennett an old friend of RIN lost Sasha recently
her words...
Our lovely Sasha passed away on 10 October, having achieved the fantastic age of 13 years 7
An ultrasound scan revealed a massive tumour in her spleen and liver - we were left with no
option but to say good bye to a much loved member of our family.
We adopted Sasha from RIN when she was just over 12 months old. She had been found
wandering the streets of Wolverhampton having had a litter of puppies. Ann knew we were
looking to adopt a young bitch and so Sasha came to live with us and very quickly made herself
at home in Oswestry.
Fast forward to December 2018 when we made the move to Malta. Sasha flew out from
Heathrow, accompanied by our other dog, Dave the Doberman and happily lived out her
retirement in the Maltese sunshine.
Apart from 2 cruciate ligament repairs she remained healthy until 3 years ago when she was
diagnosed with a bone tumour in one of her toes. The toe was amputated and the cancer gone -
we are very fortunate to have a good vet here.
Sasha mellowed considerably over the years but she never got over her hatred of nail clippers
and never lost her fierce determination in preventing them going anywhere near her feet!!!
She was a real character — she will be always loved
forever missed
never forgotten.
From her loving family - Keith, Rosemary, Carly and Gareth Bennett plus Dave the Doberman.
Nov 2013-May 2023
My beautiful Ralph, my best friend and the love of my life –
I lost my boy Ralph in May due to bone cancer – he was the love of my life, such a gentle loving soul and the absolute center of my world.
I miss him so very much. I would like for him to be remembered somewhere and I can't think of anywhere more appropriate.
Rest in peace.
Steven Hughes
We think its a good place too Steven, and we sympathise with your great loss - RIN Staff.
Damian Riley, a good friend of RIN recently lost 'Dennis'
We are sad for Damian and his family and would like to honour Dennis
with Damians words.
"There will never be another like you Mate. I'll miss you forever and I’m honoured for the time I had you and proud to have called you mine.
Sleep well big balls 

Yesterday I went to run the dogs as usual. Got Dennis out who was, as always really pleased to see me. Played ball with him for half an hour.
Then he seemed to go a bit wobbly and Lay down panting. This progress to him looking really tired. He then passed away from a heart attack.
He was a perfectly healthy dog. And only 3 years old. We have had him only 18 months, Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Can’t believe I won’t get to see you any more. My best mate. You were taken from us too early, passed away doing what you love chasing your ball.
I'll never forget you Dennis, you might not have had the best start or pedigree but you were 100 percent Rottweiler - No doubt.
A fantastic temperament and example of the breed. And just starting to shine at obedience and protection as well.
Everyone that met you loved you. But none more than me Becky and Evie. X
Below is a link to a just giving page. I'd planned to do the Yorkshire 3 peaks with him this Saturday as he loved getting out in the wild.
All proceeds will go to Rottweilers in Need. Which is a non profit based group of volunteers that have helped me
find a home before for another Rottweiler that was going to be put to sleep. She was rehabilitated and found a home.
Cherish the time you have with your dogs folks. Because you never know the day.
I am leaving the link for anyone that would like to donate, just click within this Red Line.
Pippa 1st March 2014 - 17th May 2023 
When our beloved Pippa (originally called Sadie) came to live with us, on 6th August 2019, she had sadness in her eyes.
She had been mistreated so there were boundaries we needed to respect to avoid snapping and making her anxious.

The first toy we gave her became her stress reliever. Soon though she looked for comfort following me everywhere and nestling against me.
Progress took longer with my husband as she was very afraid of men. However, with his gentle ways she eventually came to love him no end,
demanding his cuddles with great excitement and no more sad eyes. She enriched our lives with her love, dedication and intelligence.
We honour her noble Rottweiler heart for overcoming trauma and loving again. Severe health conditions made it difficult for her in her last months which we tried to balance with care and tenderness.
Even walking with great difficulty, she would not leave us alone in the garden or greenhouse, day or night - it was still her duty to be by our side and protect us.
Attempts to keep her warm indoors were met with moans and a lifted paw scratching the French doors until they were opened for her. It’s us now who need comfort for losing her.
Thank you very much all of you at RIN for rescuing many Rottweilers in need like Pippa.

We will never forget you beautiful Pippa because you will always be in our hearts.
Julieta and Philip North
the younger
and the 'MOSSYMAN'
February 2012 April 2023
Adopted from Ann in Oswestry.
Our beautiful boy was a challenge at first, but he settled down and grew into the most handsome and loving boy.
Always by your side hardly had a days illness till the end when he was still behaving like a two year old.
Thought he would be with us forever sadly not. He was our first rescue and our hearts are broken.
Angela and Jeff Cole.
Beautiful BERAGH 2018-2023
Sadly we’ve had to say goodbye to our Dear Lady, Beragh.
She didn’t have the best start in life, riddled with arthritis and a feisty public persona!
But she was a total Angel at home. She had the silkiest of coats.
We only had her for a precious year, and at just 5 years old she was taken far too soon.
She went off her food, so we had her scanned and sadly it revealed
multiple tumours, so we left her to continue sleeping.
Thank you to all the rescue centres for all you do for this beautiful breed.
She leaves behind her younger brother Jean Jacques
who is missing his role model and his mother figure.
Mitch Loved all of our family just as much as we loved him.
He was he was just 17 months old when we adopted him from RIN in 2011.
It was the saddest of days when, at the grand age of 12½ in June, we had to say goodbye.
Sleep tight lovely, faithful 'ole lad. We will always treasure your memory with great love.
Janice & Andy Turner.
Lottie was rescued from Spain
We rather think she had not had the best of treatment as a pup. Andy Bashford and Teresa Stevens adopted her from RIN.
Lottie had an 'OKAY' list and once you made it to those heights, she was your friend. Rossi, our other Rott, fortunately and quickly made it to the list.
After which, they got on very well. Lottie loved her ball games and happily brought them back for a 're-throw'.
Cancer was definitely not on her list and she lost her fight with it in April 2021 at the young age of about four.
A very special 'Hermosa Chica'
Greatly Loved and very sadly missed.
Sadly we have to record another of our 'Old Girls' passing,
Lesley Osbourne has had rescues from RIN for a good few years, Ellie being the last one.
She reached the Grand Old Age of thirteen but the arthritis meds were no longer keeping up with the
disease.. Lesley says, I miss her terribly but was so lucky to have her and it also brings back memories of knowing Ann.
Thank you for the £50 donation in Ellies memory Lesley.
Bradley (2012-2021)
Bradley was rescued by Rottweilers in Need and came into our family in 2015.
As with all rescues and Rotties, just love, care and patience brings out a fantastic loving dog, bursting with character.
Bradley loved games and would chase around the house with his toys.
He was an unofficial mascot for the local non-league football team and loved patrolling the corner flag in case he was lucky enough to burst a stray ball.
His last year was difficult with diabetes, bronchitis and pancreatitis, but he continued to love life.
He was the centre of our family and will be missed and loved forever.
Thank you RIN
Fond Adieu Dear Bradley
John Griffiths and Family

Xena 21.02.2011 – 21.07.2021
10 years ago I rescued a 5 month old rottie puppy, Xena.
She has been by my side through good times and bad ever since. This evening I had to let her go and say goodbye due to HGE infection.
She crosses the rainbow bridge a much loved member of my family to run free until we meet again.
As I reflect on the last 10 years with her, I have come to realise that rescuing her was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.
Xena bought so much joy into our lives and she will be fondly remembered and very sadly missed.
RIP Big Girl x
Millie was 2½ when we travelled up to see her with Ann. We meet a few lovely girls that day but both just fell in love with our Mills, as she became to be known.
Millie soon made herself at home and although she obviously hadn't walked on a lead or played a great deal, she was a smart girl and was soon walking nicely,
unless we got near to ball playing area and Ted the German Shepherd was there then it all went out the window due to " it's so exciting ".
Ball was her most favourite thing, but only her ball, and if she needed a new one because it got lost it was always a battle because "that's not my ball".
She loved a cuddle and was always determined to fit into any space, and then push you out the way to get comfy, "see I do fit". She was very popular in our neighbourhood
and changed a lot of people's idea of what a Rottweiler is, not the big mean thing but a lovable, cheeky girl who could easily get a treat off you with that big cheeky grin .
Unfortunately we lost our girl on 20th January to cancer, one of the saddest days ever.
She is missed hugely and left a massive gap in our lives, but it was an honour to know and love her, and give her then life she deserved.

Rest in Peace Millie, we love you.
The Hull family.....
Oliver a.k.a Sir Oliver or Slow Moe (15/10/2009 to 12/9/2020)
In December 2013 we adopted Oliver a four-year-old rottweiler who had been with RIN for we believe 2 years.
We were dog but not Rottie experienced but with visits and discussions with Ann we got the go ahead to take Oliver home.
He appeared to settle in and was responsive to commands but was quite aloof. Then after a month he decided to push his boundaries and boy did he do that!
Walking him became a nightmare as he would dive at any dogs and people without any warning.
He never hurt them but to have a big Rottie dive at you was alarming and to control him was hard work.
We had no intention of giving up and found a brilliant dog trainer who took us all to doggy boot camp (well we called it that).
After 7 months it was if a light switched on in Oliver's head and he looked around and thought this family is not that bad.
Oliver became the brilliant family dog that you really wish for. He was calm, loving and gentle.
On walks he no longer bothered with other dogs. With family and friends, he would greet them and then sit at their feet.
Friends who were scared of big dogs came to love him for his kind nature.
We often called him 'Sir Oliver' because he was such a gentleman.
He loved getting in the car for any trip and adored his holidays. He was like a connoisseur of wine but for him it was flowers and bushes.
It drove us mad the way he would hover on his walks and take a very long time smelling a flower.
In September 2020 (one month shy of his 11 birthday) he became very ill but he always climbed the stairs at night and went in our bedrooms to make sure his human family were well.
He had stomach cancer and there was nothing we could do. He must have been in a lot of pain but he never showed it or reacted.
He had a big heart and that is what kept him going to look after his family.
We were all devastated and said our goodbyes at the vets. Right to the end he still wagged his tail which broke our hearts.
His devotion to us was total and we thank him for the years of joy and the funny moments he gave us.
The hole he left was massive and the house so empty of that personality even our other female dog Maggs pined.
We have adopted another rottweiler. He is younger and his needs are different as is his personality
but that is good and our Sir Oliver paved the way for the love and respect we have for this great breed.
Bev, Phil, Sam and Maggie Reynolds
Carol and Brian Kay write
Mr Darcy
In January 2011, after many conversations and letters between Ann and myself, we decided to take the plunge and travel in the snow to Walsall and meet Ann
and the handsome Gaston who had arrived from France a few weeks previous.
After a walk around the local park with my husband, myself and Ann, Gaston had already decided that returning to the kennels would be a foolish option
and jumped into the car on the passenger seat. We all howled with laughter and that’s when Gaston became our boy, and was renamed Mr. Darcy.
He settled in to our home straight away. He loved all the family with every beat of his big Rottie heart, but was an absolute “daddy’s boy”.
Darcy was nicknamed “The Crumpet Police” as he could smell a crumpet four rooms away, while asleep, and home in on it in less than thirty seconds.

He made friends with all the humans we met on our walks wherever we went, even if they were a little apprehensive about him, he always put them at ease.
The female dogs, big or small were always treated to a sniff and a lick, he was a proper gentleman and lived up to his namesake.
The males who would bark madly at him were given a look of pure contempt and ignored. Darcy barked only twice in all the time he was with us.
In January 2013 he became seriously ill in hospital with Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis and later on in July.
It was life threatening for him, and every year after he was hospitalised at least twice a year.
We were constantly on the lookout for the signs and he was whisked away to see our vet without any hesitation, day or night.
He was diagnosed with a thyroid problem in 2015 and was on medication for the rest of his life.
He put his trust in Lizzie, our vet and all the team praised him saying he was amazing , never needing the stress of being muzzled when bloods were taken or tests being done,
he took it all in his stride.

In January 2019 we discovered a tumour in his mouth and later this year he was diagnosed with lymphoma.
He soldiered on, eating and drinking well, and still wanting to go for his walks, although they were now becoming shorter and slower.
All our friends that we met while walking were very concerned for him and always gave him a cuddle as we all knew he was living on borrowed time.
Darcy passed away on Wednesday 9th October 2019 leaving the most gigantic empty space in our lives and our hearts. He was 12 and a half years old.
Kindness is a word usually reserved for humans, but Darcy had the kindest soul and not a bad bone in his black and tan body.
He gave us unconditional love and he trusted us with his life, as we loved and trusted him.
We are truly blessed to have had him in our lives.
We love you with all our hearts Mr.D. God bless you xxxxxxxxxx
Mum and Dad
Leon cam to RIN just before Christmas 2018, he had been left tied to a gatepost at a dog pound with a can of food.
Very poorly, lame with HD and ED and understandably grumpy.
We took him in and he joined the 'Long Term gang' where he rallied with treatment for his ills,
the medication oddly included 'Pork Pies'!
Sadly Leon's condition became unbearable and we had little choice but to put an end to it.
We finally lost him in October after nearly a year's caring by one of our Foster families.
G'nite Ole' Lad, sleep tight .... RIN Team
Mick and Pam Rogers Adopted Tara from RIN, she has sadly died - I will let them tell their story...

On the hottest day in July 2015 (29th), we set out early from Bedfordshire to meet with Ann
and our new "rescue Rottweiler" Tara. Having recently lost our previous "rescue Rottweiler" to Pancreatitis,
some weeks earlier, we'd registered a request to adopt with RIN - stating that we had a 16 year old cat.
This had given Ann a challenge, as there was only one dog she had, that she would trust with an aging cat and
she was older than we'd requested.
Tara was absolutely right for us - though she did come with an agenda,
meaning the alarm went off at 6.00 am - 10 minutes in bed and then we had to be out, walking-
(there are some spectacular sunrises in this part of the world, that I have photographed!).
We had had a difficult enough journey up to Ann's, but the journey home was dreadful - and Tara was sick 3 times on the way -
We were all glad to be home and it didn't take her long to settle in, with the cat and all!!
She spent every music lesson I taught, in the music room with me and most students - all of whom she greeted enthusiastically - she loved people.
We loved her to bits, she loved us and she has left a huge hole, though we don't think it's fair that our cat
Little-y only died 2 months before her (aged 20 by now) and we have lost them both.
It's too easy to say she would have been 12 in December - a good age for a Rott - it doesn't help that you want to keep her -
we all know how it feels - we know they have to be loved and let go - and maybe, just maybe, she's left a place here,
for another, who needs somewhere to live, with people who will love her and treat her well.
Thank you, Tara, for 4 years & 2 months (all bar 3 days) aka "My-faaave-dog"
With us from January 2011, went to sleep 8th August 2019, aged around 12
"I am sending pictures of Rosco looking as handsome as we will always remember him!"
Our lovely dog brought joy to us all, even if he was always on the look out to raid the fruit bowl
and anything else he could reach on the surface.
Apart from that, and licking everyone non-stop, he was pretty well faultless.
We collected him in the terrible winter of 2010/11 when cars were being abandoned on the snowy motorway.
Somehow we made it up to Walsall and back and thereafter he lived a happy life, firstly with our existing Border Collie,
and latterly with two adopted Labradors. His needs were simple – food (on time please), cuddles, and town walks.
In 2017 he was diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy and the walks began to get shorter as his stamina reduced;
in July 2018 had a splenectomy, and made a remarkable recovery given his age and wobbly gait.
Over the last year he did the best he could,
dragging his feet along, but then he developed a gastric torsion
it wasn’t fair to put him through another abdominal surgery when there were other underlying issues.
"We loved him unconditionally and we will never forget him.”
Logan came to us originally as a foster at 18 months old. There was no room in kennels so we took him on.
He soon showed himself to be a puppy in a big dog's body, he loved to play and lived life at 200 miles an hour,
every day was a new adventure.
After a few days we decided to see if we could adopt him I made a call to Ann,
she knew what I was going to say before I even uttered the words, she just sighed and said “I knew you would “.
Pretty soon Logan earned his nickname 'Numpty Boy' and he lived up to it in many ways.
He loved life and nothing better than a ball.
He did not however like water or the wind blowing
and spent many times running up and down the river bank or the beach barking at Sadie
our other RIN rescue while she happily splashed about.
Sadly, on 26th February 2019 at nearly 8 years old, we lost him suddenly to the dreaded Bone cancer.
He has left a huge hole in our lives and he is missed each and every day
Rest easy our beloved 'Numpty Boy' until we meet again xxx

Lovely Polly came to RIN on 6/9/13, Sue picked her up and took her to Ann. She was an uncared for 9 year old mother of at least one litter.
Polly had a bad skin condition from flea and mite infestations and her head covered in Skin lesions
as a result of a supposed remedy for her itchy skin, which was to keep her in a muzzle!
She was also kept for long periods in a crate.
We managed to get her head sorted in more ways than one, but she never really recovered from her early lack of care,
It was decided that Polly was a candidate for our ‘sponsored dog’ scheme and she lived out the rest of her life at ‘Ann’s Hotel, the Shropshire kennel.
John has been caring for her since Ann’s death. We have now sadly lost Polly, she had started going off her legs and after a long consultation with the vet,
it was decided little could be done to help and she wouldn't be allowed to suffer the pain.
John has laid her to rest in the area designated by Ann, under the shade of the apple trees in the garden so loved by all the dogs that Ann and John cared for.
Rest Easy Polly.
From all the volunteers who had the pleasure of your company on numerous walks.

Beiderbecks Eos at Benjona
15th April 2009 - 8th June 2018
Eos shared a big part of her life befriending R.I.N rescues.
She shared everything from her life to her home, car, bed, bowl and her human.
That human is now missing her more than she ever expected to,
but knows that Eos is now pain free.

Cooper enjoying a personally picked pear
His name was Cooper. He came to us from Rottweilers In Need, we do not know when he was born but we celebrated his birthday on the 29 September.
He lived with us for about four years before passing away. Cooper Loved his walks, even after developing quite bad arthritis.
Cooper made animal and human friends everywhere he went. He was very loving and gentle and protective towards his family.
If he was out in the front garden he would sit or lay on the very boundary of his garden watching,
but would not cross it without permission, he was highly intelligent.
Cooper was a “talker” when you stroked him he would growl which was a bit frightening to people who did not know him but this was just rottie talk.
Cooper also had to undergo two cruciate ligament operations(not at the same time).
He had the second operation one morning and when it was time to leave in the evening he walked out by himself.
The surgeon was absolute amazed as he never seen a dog walk out unaided like Cooper did before. He had the heart of a champion.
Towards the end of his life Cooper developed a serious heart condition. When he was diagnosed, it was touch and go whether he would survive the night.
But survive he did and continued his fight against this disease for another six months.
He continued to enjoy life and his family and his daily walks. He had to take lots of tablets each day for his conditions
but he did not complain as each tablet was wrapped in ham.
Cooper passed away suddenly on the 17 September 2017, and going by Ann’s assessment he would have been around six years old.
He passed away peacefully with people who loved him. Cooper was not only our best friend he was our family.
Cooper will never be forgotten. He is always in our hearts and always in our thoughts. A true champion right up to the end.
We were truly blessed when Cooper came into our lives.
I have just lost my most loyal companion - always there for me, always happy to see me.
Tara knew my thoughts as soon as I did, the most loveable, adorable and faithful rescue…
My Tara

You will never be forgotten.
Thank you for five wonderful and faithful years with never a moment of stress
Love and Kisses always,
From your Mum.

Passed Away 13TH August 2017 11 years old
Rocha was our beautiful, furry baby. My partner Josh and I managed to adopt her in December 2016.
We had known about Rocha from an early age – we are friends of the owner.
Her living conditions were awful; she lived in a run down shed through all weathers, summer and winter,
she had no social interaction and was very rarely taken for walks. Despite this she maintained a
happy outlook when meeting us and when we settled in our first new home, we begged the owner to let us adopt her.
We were met with the usual “ She’s getting old - she hasn’t got that long left – you’ll only get attached –
Too late for the last one and we didn’t care about the other excuses we just wanted to secure the best for her for whatever
time she had left, we weren’t interested in us, it was Rocha’ s quality of life we were interested in.
Rocha passed away and we only got to spend eight months with her, but those eight months were honestly
the happiest we have ever been because we got to see Rocha Smile with her ears perked up and
when she slept it was in a warm and comfortable place where she was loved, and she knew it.
Words can’t express the hurt of missing her, the memories she has given us will last forever.
Though we are sure she was grateful for those last eight months, it’s us who are thanking her for spending them with us.
She made it clear to us what true love and heartbreak really is. Josh & Tasha Phelps.

Rocha, AKA Princess, Hairy Baby, Rambo, Dora,Sharkhead,
Rochy Roo Rah, and the Great Fantassmo (don’t ask!)
We recently lost Gerry, he was in our long term programme, Gwen Bennett fostered him for a time and wanted to remember him…..
He was one of the first dogs I walked when I volunteered at R.I.N. Straight away I loved his noble bearing and his lovely gait.
He soon learned to recognise the sound of my car arriving and would demand his walk, thus ensuring he went out first.
I fostered him for a time and he loved being in the house but hated the presence of so many cats (not mine).
He returned to Ann’s kennels but early last year, he started to suffer severe mobility problems.
This was greatly helped with Acupuncture and his quality of life was restored for another fourteen months.
But, his time caught up with him and his suffering became too much.
Sadly now he has left us for his final rest.

Miss you Gerry, you'll stay in my heart.
RIP Jerry.
From us all at RIN,
Mr Darcy

Our thoughts are with Sue James at Four Seasons Kennels in South Wales.
Sue took in Mr Darcy after he had been found tied to a gate in atrocious freezing weather
after which, not surprisingly, he got quite ill. Sue loved and nursed him through the crisis,
he emerged the other side a dog with a reason to live again and enjoyed a few more years
living in comfort and a loving environment thanks to Sue.
Very Sadly Mr Darcy passed away peacefully, of course with Sue by his side on 29 April.
Our condolences go out to you Sue.
From the rest of the RIN team
We have received a generous donation in the memory of a great rescued dog

Theo threw in his lot with Dale McLelland and we can't do better than her own words...
I rehomed Theo although not through a rescue. He had a really bad start in life
but he just had a wonderful ability to trust and move into his new life.
He initially had some fears around men in particular
but we worked with him to help him become more confident and he really was a gentleman Rottie.
He truly was the perfect dog.
My bond with Theo was so strong that it's painful to be without him but I can take comfort in that fact
that I was with him at the end, he needed that to feel relaxed.
He was so badly treated before I got him and I think he knew that I had saved him
from that life and so we bonded instantly
We are the ones that carry around the issues from previous times, dogs are far more resilient than us.
Theo meant the world to me and I will cherish the memories of the time that we had together, although it was far too short.
Dale McLelland
Riley came to us, and we were told he was as a four year old, but it was soon very obvious he was much nearer to eight.
He was a challenging chap, but we came to terms and slowly managed each other, and we decided he would be very difficult
to find a forever home for and he would be best served in our Longterm facility and he was placed with Sue at four seasons kennels
in South Wales. Sue brought him around to start enjoying his life but all too soon Riley developed physical problems and on 3rd of April,
we took the decision to save him any further suffering. Sue has to take all the credit for his last couple of happy years and,
Sue will miss him.

Thanks yet again Sue, your care and love does not go un-noticed
Ambassador, Friend, Companion, Rottweiler.

Charley passed on 11 October 2016 aged 13.
During his first years he was starved and beaten and when we received him from a rescue home he was so scared of people and was a bag of bones.
Despite this he never showed an ounce of aggression and after just some simple love and care he became more confident so that he would soon
be able to stroll up to strangers and nudge them for a cuddle.
He was truly a gentle soul. Everybody who met him loved him.
His qualities were recognised in the local press for his work as a PAT (Pets As Therapy) dog in East Surrey hospital where he cheered up staff,
patients and their relatives.
A great ambassador for the breed.

He will be greatly missed but treasured always.
Pauline & John Griffiths
It is with heavy heart that we mark the passing of Ringo.
Words just can't express the loss.
Ringo had over the years become the Mascot of RIN
For that reason we are going to leave his entry in our
Long Term Care section.
Ringo and Ann bonded like sand and cement and we all feel her loss.
Good-bye Ringo, sleep easy ole' lad

Lisa Dowel writes for her sister Sophie
It is with great sorrow that we let you know our beloved Judy passed away on 19th April 2016.
She was matched to us by Rottweiler's in Need in October 2009 and we had her for nearly 8 wonderful years before she succumbed very quickly to cancer.
During that time she was a Rottweiler Representative at the Dog Training School in Timperley (for people thinking of adopting a Rottie).
She also "gave back" by adopting a wild kitten 'Richard' of her own who still looks for her every day.
Judy changed the perception of Rottweiler's wherever she went, everybody loved her including one man who overcame his fear of dogs with her.
It's very hard to forget one who was always glad to see you. Rest in the Peace you deserve Judy, our family member and friend.
Lizzie Thompson would like to remember

We rescued Milli in 2007 aged 13 months.
We had 8 wonderful years with her and she was always part of our activities.
She was loved by everybody who came in contact with her. She
was gentle, kind, funny and so very loving. She made best friends with Our Tortoise Rocky.
She was my best girlfriend.
Sadly We lost her on Thursday 14th April 16 after she collapsed in the night.
The vet on examination said she had multiple tumours that had gone undetected.
We are heartbroken and feel so lost.
Her furry friend Budz Our Yorkie misses her so much too.
We are just so grateful to her for all the love she gave to us and everybody else who loved her too…
Love you Mills, baby girl..xxx
With a broken heart I have to share the sudden death of Rosie
– my beloved rescue Rottweiler from R.I.N. June 2011.
Almost immediately Rosie realised there were loving humans in this world and I believe
she enjoyed every moment of her life with us.
An ardent fan of television,
she would listen for the music of her favourite programmes
and then take up prime position in front of the television!
I would like to thank Ann & Joyce for entrusting me with Rosie and we can be sure that
she is now at peace in Doggie Heaven reunited with her best buddy Toby.
My sweet Tara
aka Tara the tank,
Nearly 3 wonderful years together.

Miss you so very much,
Thank you so much R.I.N for letting me have her,
so glad she got to see Ann one last time.
was taken from us in August, a victim of bone cancer. She was our baby and we are lost without her.
We wanted to thank Rotties in Need for giving us the best dog we could have wished for.
She brightened up our lives every day. Tosca came to work with me and was the office mascot and was adored by everyone and everything.
This is such a sad time
but without RIN we would have never been blessed with the best dog in the world.
Tosca was 18 months old when we drove all the way to collect her.
We have had the best 5 years with her but feel heartbroken that she was taken from us too soon.
Sadie & Ziggy x
Tosca was in the best place and received the best care with you
We at RIN couldn't have found her a better forever home.

Tess was one of our 'Long Term' Gals,
She had been kept outside as a guard dog by her owners,
but they were being evicted so they
handed her into a local Pound, and she came to us as a rescue.
At a good ten years old we felt it best if we looked after her in her 'Autumn years'
and we transfered her to Long Term Sponsorship during February 2015.
Tess was a real character, selectively deaf but sound as a pound, and SMART! We loved her.
Rest in peace old friend.
Sadly we said goodbye to Tilly this week at the grand old age of 12 and a half. Her owners wrote....
"She was our first ever Rottweiler and immediately won us over
to understand and love this great breed. Although she never had her own litter, she became a fantastic foster mum
to a number of RIN puppies over the years, one of which (Charlie) we still have today.
She was part of the Snowdon climb raising money for RIN and was always willing to show people how loving and wonderful she was.
Goodbye Tilly, we all loved you and miss you".
Andy Watson and Family
We said Goodnight to Dustin today.
He had been with us since 2009 after being picked up as a stray. He was a big lad and full of fun.
Despite his playfull character, he was in our long term care programme and it was from here he was
helped on his way to end any more pain and prolonged suffering from bone cancer.
So Long Dustin, it was a pleasure knowing you.
From all of us at RIN

It is with heavy heart that we report the loss of Gabby, she came to us recently
We nic-named her 'Flabby Gabby' and set about trying to sort out her diet and excercise.
She was a lovely girl, and was starting to respond, but one day she felt a little peeky,
the next morning she was found
peacefully curled up in her own bed.
Sleep tight Big Girl, love found you a little late.

We Lost Bridget
Bridget came to RIN in her Autumn years and we fully expected because of her age, that she would be with us for the rest of her life.
Sadly, that turned out to be all too soon. She was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour in her mouth.
We thought it best to prevent any further pain that she didn't come around from the anaesthetic.
There may be times you miss me,
I sort of hope you do,
But smile when you think of me,
For I'll smile when I think of you.
Sleep tight lovely girl.
From all your friends at RIN
We lost Sunny in Late April 2014, a great sadness was felt by all of us at RIN, but none so much as Ann
with whom Sunny lived out his last eight years.
This was a complete contrast to his first years, He came to RIN in August 2006 from Liverpool RSPCA,
in very poor health and he was due to be
'put to sleep', mainly for health reasons. He was quite
explosive around other dogs,
enough so for us to believe he was used for baiting or fighting, hence the scars and attitude.
He arrived in very poor condition,
extremely thin,
and covered in those scars, which we were told were 'cigarette
He had mellowed a lot in his later years, and he adored Ann and living with her.
But, he was never leaving his own Shropshire paradise.
He is laid to rest in the orchard.
RIP Sunny.
Rachel and Wayne would like to note the passing of Diesel who was adopted from RIN seven years ago.

Diesel and Bilbo
Rachel & Wayne wrote:-
"Just want to say thanks to everyone at Rottweilers in Need.
Diesel had a great seven years with us, wish it could have been longer.
So well behaved until he saw water and then we couldn't get him out of it!
Our family isn't the same without him but we hope he is free from pain now".
(AKA Ralph)
We must sadly mark the passing of Ronnie, an older rescue who found peace when
Lesley Osborne
adopted him in April last year (2013). Lesley says he was a super
companion and she wishes he could have had longer, but it was not to be.
God bless you both.
We are very sad to report the sudden death of Hudson, he was rescued
and taken in by a Welsh pound,
he spent 12 months in their care and subsequently came to us.
He was fostered by Sue and he was in need of a good bath, a good feed and a few tons of TLC.
Sue nursed him back to what she thought was good health, and we were in the process of arranging
to have a tumour removed from his face.
Money was raised from kind folk -reported on the fundraising page- and everything was ready to go.
Unfortunately The Vet found his heart condition when assessing him for the surgery,
so this was put on hold whilst he underwent medication to support this problem.
Sadly this condition took him..... Sue says :-
"He was a sweetheart & gentleman.
He would always greet you with a toy or a chewie, & had a wicked sense of humour.
He loved rolling in "the green, green grass of home""
A lovely lad he will be missed by all who came to love him.
Our heartfelt thanks to everybody who reached into their pockets to assist Hudson, i
t seems so unfair that he at last found solace only to have it taken from him,
but we should take comfort in the knowledge that his last months were in Sue's care and he was at last, loved.

Hudson being silly.
Roddie was rescued by us and spent five precious years in the company of special people.
Dark now, the shadow of you going Brings with it the certainty that overwhelming love exacts its price.
Would it be wiser not to let it happen?
How poor if we had turned away in fear!
The cost exacted by your going is paid in full. But
underneath that pain, exultant joy that you have been.
That time shared with you, in love of life and joy of being, was worth it all.
Memory of you, will be in time less sadness than delight in your exuberance, your joyful love, offered without evasion.
In the quiet, wise kindness you lent to everyday, your gentleness, with trust that made us so aware of the privilege of knowing you.
A Special Private Person....
Thank you.
(Mary Saltmarsh December 2013)
'Saffie' another abandoned dog given a forever home in September 2008 by Ian and Rachel Thomson.
Roughly eighteen months old,
she obviously fitted into this loving family well as can be
seen here, in the full photo the front door is open! Thats Love...

Unfortunatly, Saffie contracted cancer, and went down-hill very quickly.
Rachel writes this epitaph to a lovely Girl..
At 0910 today our strong, brave, loyal, loving and incredibly beautiful Saffie made her way to Rainbow Bridge.
We held her, stroked her and told her how much we loved her and thanked her for making the last 5 years so wonderful.
We'll miss you so much Saff Saff,

until we meet again at the Bridge, run free my angel xxxx
RIP Saffie From RIN.
It is with great sorrow that we have to mark the passing of Zara.
Zara was adopted as a rescue by our principle carer and founder Ann, last week
Ann had the heartbreaking task of preventing further pain and suffering to 'her dog'

“I will not stand at your grave and cry, for you are no longer here – but you shall not die”!
Zara was a guiding light to many a misguided dog. She looked after strays and waifs that were partnered with her,
sometimes for short periods,
sometimes for longer. She always seemed to calm the wild ones and lift the frightened ones,
it seemed she made their lives have some meaning.
How she achieved this will always remain a mystery but a wild and abandoned dog paired with her, soon adopted her calmness.
Over the years after she herself was rescued,
she became a companion to countless other rescues that were entrusted to her care,
not always gentle with the tearaways,
but always winning, she helped them on to the right path.
Their eventual recovery and adoption into their forever homes was due in no small part to her ‘skills’.
She will be forever very, very sorely missed.
I will not stand at your grave and weep,
You are not there, you do not sleep.
You are a thousand winds that blow. You are the diamond glints in the snow.
You are the sunlight on ripened grain,
You are the gentle autumn rain.
When I awake in the morning hush, you are the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
You are the soft stars that shine at night.
I will not stand at your grave and cry,
You are not there, you did not die.
For Dora
We've Lost a Friend.
we lost a special friend today
the kind you can't replace,
and looking at her empty bed
I still can see her beautiful face.
I know she's in a special place
the Lord has for such friends,
Where meadows, fields & flowers
help make them strong and whole again.
I know she's watching over me
She'll be with me when I cry,
So with one more kiss on her beloved head
I told my friend goodbye.

Good night Dora. With love from all your friends at RIN.
For Tia, a beautiful girl
Tia suddenly passed away due to a short illness
Tia's loss is felt by us all at R.I.N.
Our thought's go out to Tia's new forever family, we are truly sorry for your loss.

Christy and Tia
Christy's favourite group, 'The Wanted' recorded the track 'Gold Forever'
and she wanted to remember Tia with this very fitting verse from the song.
We're standing in a light that won't fade,
Tomorrow's coming but this won't change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one I'm gonna take my life through,
'Cause some days stay gold forever.
For our beautiful Tia, gone before we knew it. Loved by Christy, Morag and Kevin.
For Gemma, a rescue that didn't make it, but not through want of trying.

Have you a dog in Heaven, Lord?
Is there room for just one more?
Cause my dog Gemma died, and
she'll be waiting at your door.
Please take her into Heaven, Lord.
And keep her there for me,
just feed her, pet her and love her, Lord,
that’s all she'll ask of Thee.
(From us all at RIN)
In fondest memory of Louie.

Louie came to me from Rottweilers in need. He had some issues, some of which involved 'Big Teeth'.
After a few months, some rows, a lot of love and patience Louie turned out to be one of the finest dogs (Rottweilers) I have known.
He was with me for only a very short time, 18/01/2011 to 03/10/2012.
He had become my best friend and a big brother to my Spaniel, Jet.
Louie now lives in the garden with Helga, the bitch I lost in 2011.
I leave the outside light on for them.
He was a credit to his breed, and I will always miss him.
R.I.P. Louie.
Simon Davey
In loving memory of Solomon & Tyler.

Solomon And Tyler - Together
God lent you to me
Hearts of gold, so strong and bold. So gentle, so loving and so proud.
You both brought so much into my life. No matter where I took you.
No matter whom you met, every one loved you and thought you were the best.
You were part of me, faithful companions you were true ROTTWEILERS, right to the end.
You continued giving me your love to the end. Filling my life with joy. Your last days were of the hardest of my life,
Deep down I knew you would not be coming home. All I could do was to be with you, loving you to the end,
Telling you I loved you, how much you brought into my life.
And when your eyes finally closed, part of me closed too,
No matter where you are Big Boys, No matter where you roam,
I hope you are both with Flynn and the rest of my babies.
And my love, you will have always for ever and a day.
God bless you Solomon & Tyler.
In loving memory of Judy.

Judy was one of the first Rottweilers rehomed by Rottweilers in need in 2006
and was much loved and cherished by Caroline, Mike and Myles.
In loving memory of Jenson.
