Our Latest News
& Fundraising for 2016
Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events.
Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net
and we don't get to thank you personally through this medium.
Your donations, no matter how they are presented and of whatever size,
are so very much appreciated. So forgive us if we didn't single you out,
but some of you we have managed to catch........
If you want to see the pages for 2013, 2014 or 2015
please scroll to the bottom of this page for the links
What do you think of when you hear 'CARIAD',
I live on the Welsh border and it is a Welsh term of endearmentand it means Love or Beloved.
But if you take it as an acronym, its used by an organisation against any cruelty to dogs including puppy farming
Care And Respect Includes All Dogs.
You can read their story here (Click the red letters)
Also click on this Logo for their charter

As a rescue organisation, we have the fallout from these puppy farms
to contend with,
Cruelty, bad breeding practice and profit seem to be their only watchwords. Reading
CARIAD's account of the Carmarthenshire debacle only strengthens our resolve to be 'on side'
with the philosophy CARIAD live by.
As a group we agree with and applaud your efforts. We wish CARIAD every success.
A Donation, Aren't we lucky!
Dog Of The Year 2016
Have given us the enormous amount of £1500 So a huge thank you goes to
The Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club

And the year is going very well so far for donations; we received another princely sum of £257 from Lorraine Day
It seems last July, Lorraine and Janet have thought of a way to make small donations count even more.
In the first 18 months, they raised £5732, no small feat! Several groups as well as RIN have benefitted from this.
If you would like to be part of this worthwhile effort
contact Lorraine on Facebook...This is what Lorrain had to say..
"The donation scheme was set up by Janet & myself within the Rottweiler Discussion group.
The idea was to hopefully have lots of people donating a small amount such as £1 a month which on its own
wouldn't be much, but collectively would amount to a decent donation to rescue each month.
Since starting in July 2015 we have managed to raise £5,732 which has been donated to a different rescue each month.
Mostly Rottweiler rescues but also a few all breed rescues who have taken in a Rottie needing help.
I sincerely hope to continue and have more people join the scheme".

Thank You & a Good Job !
A plaque was presented to the "Fundraiser of the year 2016"
And it was presented to TA DAH!......
Lynette Allison
Lynette is a another proper baker and spends loads of time baking scrumptious goodies to sell on our behalf
and she raises hundreds - yes HUNDREDS of pounds for the welfare of our dogs in care, so a very worthy winner indeed then.

Lynette with Ann And Kim
Thanks of course to Mary Bentley for the annual trophy
Thank You Very Much Lynette we and our charges are so very grateful for your efforts..... (and your delicious cakes)!
Jane Powell, (alias our own Mary Berry and resident baker) has been at it again, Baking her lovely cakes
This time Christmas ones but smaller, and we all know the best things come in small packets!
And they are ALL GONE! Thank You Jane...

HEY! AND JANE'S BEEN RAISING (Is that a self raising?)
A MASSIVE £170 from the tiny little Christmas cakes
that must have been hard work Jane, thank you so much.
The Christmas Draw....
It raised a whooping £348 so big hugs all round for that,

Rosemary surpassed herself this year with this beauty for the Draw Prize
(go nice with a Gin and Tonic that Rosemary!).....
The Prizes were won by Nanny Rule(88),Mark (Chopper) Roberts(276),
Natasha Pritchard-Williams(288),
Sue Kane(76), Monica Ellis(273) and Marion(21)
Thank you all so very much for your purchases
and a special ''ta so very muchly" to the ticket muggers, sorry Sellers.....
There are a couple of new editions to the notelets and cards in the shop

and the double sided dangly metaly thingy is back in stock too!

We have received a generous donation to honour the passing of a great Rottweiler.

Charley, sadly died on October 11th.
At Thirteen he was a still a wonderful ambassador and his character proved so much
stronger than the owners who beat, starved and then dumped him.
The Love and care freely given to him by Pauline and John Griffiths when they found him at Many Tears Rescue
gave him back his dignity and his character shone through, he became a PAT dog.
Rest Easy Charley, your courage drives us on and your legacy will help us to continue our work.
Thank You so Very Much; the RIN team.
A very good day was had...

Thank you 'LASER' so very much for giving us space for the stall,
making us feel really welcome again, and thanks to all our wonderful customers!
Just Look at what we saw there?
A Dog À la carte!

Kim brought their beautifully restored cart to collect for RIN it was
towed by her own dog Lillie and they collected a pretty penny too!
Has now finished.
The whole RIN team sends sincere thanks to everyone that participated either buying, donating or both.
Especially to Kim herself for the effort and time she puts into raising funds.
Kim's auction raises needed funds for the care of the dogs in our care
and for those that will be rescued.
We had a brilliant time although it was COLD BRRRRR......
at the West Wiltshire Equestrian Centre

We owe our sincere thanks to the organisers for allowing our stall here...
A big thank you hug goes out to Kim Baker Brown,
Another stall from Kim and she raised £82.10 for RIN's charges.
Kim calls 'em "Furbabies" and if she continues to raise funds like this
She can call them whatever she wants!

A Sincere Thank You Ma'm
from the rest of the RIN team
We've just received another donation,
this time in the memory of a dear friend to RIN.
Romaine Alum-Marco (O' Dwyer).
Sadly, Romaine died earlier this year, her family asked that any donations
made at her Funeral in her memory be made to RIN.
This resulted in the most generous amount ever given to us in anyone's memory.
The cheque amounted to £2033 reflecting the loss felt for this lovely Lady.

Romaine's Memorial ~ Sunday August 14th Northants
Rhonda, Georgina, Maddie, Ann, Seamus and Bruce
Daughter Maddie is presenting the huge cheque for RIN to Ann.
Seamus and Maddie with Georgina Adams (Jhava), Rhonda (Jhava The one and Only)
& Bruce - (Jhava Making Whoopee). Pictured here at the memorial to Romaine erected
by her beloved Seamus in their Northants Garden..
Bruce and Rhonda behaved impeccably here as they did as honour guards at Romaine's funeral cortege.
Thank you very much; this cheque will go toward the care of so many Rottweilers
We had a wonderful time at the British Rottweiler Association show.

And we must convey our
Sincerest thanks to BRA for the unerring support we are given year after year.
This year was memorable too. Gerrard O’Shea was the Judge on the day, he also presented a breed seminar
which was an absolute sell-out, the admission fee which Gerrard donated to RIN boosted the cheque
we received to £1250!
This was made up of a very generous donation from BRA,
the raffle of a beautiful bronze
Rottweiler model, and of course
the admissions to Gerrard's Breed Seminar.
Our usual famous draw is always a good source of funds too ,
and a smiling Debbie Rowell picked number 61
the correct winning square to take first prize of a
'Chocolate and Wine Hamper'
which was put together and provided by Sarah & David Morgan.

Ann Receiving the superb Cheque from Gerrard
Many Thanks to everybody who purchased 'a go' at the draw and the raffle.

Debbie was very happy to be the owner
of the winning draw ticket too!
Our very well supported stall...

RIN TEAM on the day
(L to R )Linda Kendal, Kim Cussans, The Boss, And (again!) Gwen Bennett
A bit of a deviation for us, but we do care!
more signatures are required to try to do something here.

Clicking any part of this section will take you to the petition site at change.org
where you can see details and help by signing the petition.
Kim Cussans and her helpers raised
£1288.50 from the auction
To help care for RIN's Rotts.
What a fantastic effort, and we mustn't forget the items were
donated, so thank you to all the givers and all the buyers too,
supreme effort all round!
A wedding!
One of our rehomed rescues is a groomsman and a handsome one at that.

A few words from the Bride about Fergus, (formerly Chas) will explain all,
and we express our sincere thanks for the generous donations received from the guests.
Anne has asked me to forward some photos of Fergus (formerly 'Chas') for your website, as she bought him to our wedding on 31st March
at the Sweeney Hall for a little photo shoot, after we'd been visiting him at Anne's over several weekends. Anne had bathed him and put a little bow tie on him,
so he was dressed for the occasion! We adopted him a few days later and he has settled in to his new home perfectly.
He now has a big sister too - also from Anne - Lola (formerly 'Zola'), who is an absolute lady most of the time, but she also knows how to play rough with Fergus!
They are the perfect pair!
We'd also like to express our huge admiration for the amazing work you all do to care for these beautiful dogs.
To offer a little support, we decided not to have any wedding gifts but instead asked for donations to the 3 charities closest to our hearts
- and in doing so, raised £300 for Rottweilers In Need.
Thank you all so much, for everything you do.
Our very best wishes,
Jo & Matt Dunne-Smith.
And very best wishes to you both from all of us at RIN.
A priority has arisen!
B&K Universal, a huge American-owned company that supplies animals to experimenters,
want to construct a new puppy "factory" in Grimston, near Hull.
And we're trying to stop it.

These next two lines are links to external sites with information
you can help by signing this petition,
You can read all about it here.
We know this is an animal rights issue and it isn't our normal priority
but we feel strongly enough about it to bring it to as many folk's attention as possible
Especially since the plan has actually been approved!
This is supposed to be a democracy, lets see if it works people!
Please, her owners are frantic.
Can we all at least watch for a new dog on the block!
2016 is turning out to be not our favourite start to the year!
Romaine O' Dwyer
We have to say goodbye to yet another great lover of our Breed and generous supporter of RIN.
Romaine cared so very much, regularly donating raffle prizes
and goods to sell to support RIN.
Without fail every December we received a substantial donation from Romaine
to help us through the usual Christmas Crisis.
We were truly blessed to have her as a friend.
'Beautiful on the outside...beautiful on the inside'

Now Reunited with her beloved Skye & Tess
Our heart felt condolences to her husband Seamus, daughter Maddie,
her extended family & her very close & great friend Georgina Adams.
Well, who'da thought it?
APRIL the 1st means that....
For Ten years RIN has been rehabilitating and rehoming Rottweilers
In these ten years 353 dogs have been rehomed, thats almost one dog every 10 days.
Whilst it is a crying shame that this many dogs need rehoming, and RIN is not alone in its efforts. It is laudable that
so many folk dedicate so much time and effort into caring. And so many more are willing to donate funds to help.
The driving force has been Ann Evans, (Poirot Rottweilers)
with co-founder Sue Lunt.
Kim Cussans (facebook) Joyce Clark (Hon. Sec.),
Linda Kendal and Gwen Bennett.

There are so many others too, Jane (our own Mary Berry) Powell who bakes so many
wonderful cakes for RIN's benefit,
including this iced wonder
for the ten year celebration
There are numerous walkers, kennel helpers, fund raisers, ticket sellers, and folk
that will
foster dogs or pups even at short notice, home assessors, drivers picking up dogs
and bringing them to us
from Lord knows what situation they were found in.
We have to mention Sue James who cares so well for some of our long term dogs
in her South Wales Kennels (see Four Seasons link on our links page).
Then of course RIN are most grateful beneficiaries of donations
from various Rottweiler clubs, BRA, LASER, Eastern Counties, South West,
Rottweiler Club Of Wales and of course the Rottweiler Club itself and the wonderful people
who remember RIN in their final wishes.
All this and more is expressed much more eloquently by Ann Evans in her Annual report,
Ann incidentally also finds time to be president of the Rottweiler Club.
You can read Ann's report in full by clicking here.
Thank you seems so inadequate, but we really do
It is with utter sadness we had to say farewell to Di McCann
A great supporter of Rottweilers, and of RIN.

It was an honour to be able to call Di a friend.
We were remembered in her will
with a substantial donation
for which we are truly grateful
Rest in Peace Dear Friend
Another good friend gone but never forgotten.
We should like to thank Leana Lewis and at the same time
commiserate with her over the loss of her Mum, Barbara Walby who had reached the good age of 94
Many will remember Barbara
as possibly the first to introduce Rottweilers to Wales in 1968
and also as a founder member of the Rottweiler Club
of Wales.

On A Lighter Note
Our leader also rescues Chickens and the eggs are sold in aid of Rescued Rotts
All kept and raised free-range and organically of course
EGGSactly wots needed - more funds
Wonderful Zelda has Shelled out for
TEN Rescued Hens at £2.50 each!
and donated them to Ann.
Ann is eggstatic!
They came from a Chicken Rescue organisation, would you believe that!
All Yolking apart, we are going to put a link here for them
in case you would like a chicken or two.
They are called Fresh Start For Hens, and the address is FSFH.org.uk
or you can click on this link to go there
Some habits are bad, but we have one which we are happy to say
is one that we should like to hang on to for as long as possible.
And its saying thank you very much indeed to Dog Of The Year Organisers
The Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club
This last donation from the 2015 Dog Of The Year
saw RIN get a Generous £1000 boost in funds

So Again with the habit then!
Tickets for the Easter Draw were offered and Drawn at Stoneleigh
on Easter Saturday at the Rottweiler Championship Show
and sold locally by our wonderful helpers.
First Prize: A Hamper full of goodies.
Prize Numero Uno!
The Easter Chocolate hamper
Was won by a lucky Oswestry
Jaqui, ticket 38
And the rest of the eggstatic prizes

2nd Went to Maggie Bryant, ticket 145 |

3rd Prize 3 eggs
Eliot, with ticket 85 |

4th Prize Belgian biscuit box
won by Mo Giblen |

And the 5th Prize 2 eggs
ticket 257 held by
Nikki Marker |
Thank you so very muchly's must go to;
David and Sarah Morgan for the Hamper. And as usual to Mary Bentley for the eggs,
And of course the biggest thank you of all to you, the purchasers of the tickets
You raised a whopping £220...
The items here are on-going fundraisers that keep bringing in funds
and we do want to say: "Thank You Very Much"!
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To see the pages for 2015 please click here
To see the 2014 pages, please click here
To see 2013 pages, please click here