Fundraising 2014
Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events.
Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net
and we don't get to thank you personally through this medium.
Your donations no matter how they are presented and of whatever size,
are so very much appreciated. So forgive us if we didn't single you out,
but some of you we have managed to catch........
***Diary Dates 2015***
we'll put 'em here as they come in.
so keep checking for the updates
The Last Show Of the YEAR 2014! (didn't it fly by!)

There was also a club Temperament Assessment.
for the web site click here.
Kim Cussans was of course there too, for
you to buy loads of Christmas pressies, stocking fillers, Calendars and Christmas cards
Thank you for your valued support
**Our 2015 Calendar**
was a great success, thank you to everyone who
purchased calendars and cards

now all sold out, including some of last years cards

The 28th year show was (as usual) a Great Success
and included;
The Dog of The Year Competition
A Great competition and a beautiful spectacle.
Again, their generousity ran to allowing us the space for our stand
where we sold our usual merchandise plus this years Christmas cards
and the 2015 Calendar, purchases here of course, were post free!
Thanks must go to ECRC for their usual and wonderful generousity
toward Rottweiler Charities and volunteer organisations.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to add to our much needed funds.
Wasn't October Busy?
About this time, Kim (Bless her little cotton socks) gets busy with her 'FaceTube' RIN Page,
And she organises an auction to try to swell the funds
which of course is always welcome especially since the season of chuck your dog out
in the cold is nearly upon us!
SO:- On the 27th October, the "GREAT RIN AUCTION" will begin,
its called 'Rottweilers in need auction' and lovely folks can bid on items
that have been donated
by other lovely folks just for this purpose!
Loads of useful, quality stuff, books, decals,
things specifically Rottweiler related including figurines and models, car badges books in fact
a 'bit of everything'.
If you have a 'bit of anything' you want to include for the benefit of
funds, you can join the group on FaceBook and add it in, or enter into the spirit and
AUCTION ACTION AUCTION ~ or even BUY BUY BUY~ whichever floats your boat.
And Thanks Kim xx
Then The Marvelous....
LASER Championship show
Sunday 9th November

click here to go to the LASER site.
As Ever, we were treated like royalty
What fantastic folk attend this brilliant show,
we had the very best
of a day.
Thank you so very much to all that helped, attended and
bought the RIN products, we are truely grateful to all of you!
The raffle did very well too, the prizes donated were;
A Huge Hamper From Mary, who always donates something good
Was won by ticket number 98 (Ian Bayliss)
And 'resident chef' Jane's Scrumptious Xmas Cake
was won by ticket 5 (Olive Davison)

And we couldn't let these two little muggers off without a mention
Ashley and Fey Formed their own Appeals on wheels duo
and raised £74 for RIN.
Well done to the Dynamic Duo
And here is the news..........
Zelda Managed to raise a huge £115
Simply by not saying anything!
A sponsored Silence she did!
Someone said her family asked how much
it would cost for
a month long one!
Thank you Very Much Indeed Zelda
and of course all your lovely sponsors
Sat 25th October was RIN's Annual Bash in the shape of...
The Great RIN Annual Bargain Bazaar
in Oswestry

Well, what a wonderful day we had. Thank you
for all the fantastic support. The raffle earned lots of pennies
with prizes donated by Our very own Mary Berry in the guise
of Jane Powell who again baked one of the prizes;
Our Friends at

they donated a wonderful bouquet;
And Carol at the Oswestry Heritage Centre
for again donating a lovely Cream Tea.
(Well Behaved Dogs Welcomed too)
Click on the photo to gain further information about either patron.
The winning numbers were:-
44 Sister Jo; 77 Val Howells and 100 Phil Jenkinson.
Thanks go out to everyone for buying tickets
we just wish you all could have won!
We had a turnout to rival the Scottish referendum and folk reached
deep to swell our funds with a super £600 plus total for the day.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you very much for all the support!
There are two new items in the 'shop' one is a hard plastic protective
case for your mobile phone, we can cater for most phone types and at a special price
of just £5.00 plus the first class stamp.
Don't forget to add your phone type to the box provided though!
The second is a car window sticker.
This is our logo 'head' with RIN web address.
So when you get a space on your window where
your tax disc used to be you can fill it with this lovely sticker
And at only £3.00, its a lot cheaper than a tax disc!
Donations have been received for what we understand
was mis-use of a Father!!
Natalie Softley has gained sponsorship for an Ice-Water pour over her dear ole Dad!
We'll post a link to a video as soon as we lay our mucky little paws on it.
Not that we condone any sort of mis-use of Dad's, but if you have done - or intend
doing something you might raise money for RIN by abusing yours, Or indeed, some one else's!
Please let us know!!
STOP PRESS>>> VIDEO LINKS!! (Natalie) (Dear Ole Dad)
Mail any photos, or video links HERE Please
Just click it will bring up an email for you to use.
Di Simmons took up the 'challenge of the cheese' with Daisy
Daisy passed with flying colours AND earned £20 in donations for RIN
its a 'stay' with tempations and folks, nice folks of course, sponsor the dog, it doesn't have to be cheese,
Daisy managed to leave some juicy ham - until she was told otherwise

well done Daisy and thanks for the £20
We had a good August, hope you did too!
We went to:-

(click on the logo to go to the BRA site)

Stanley being given a tug by Fey.....Gwen ...'as usual' manning the fund-raising Stand........
B.R.A. had their Championship Show at the Doberman Club Training and Showground at
Digswell on Saturday 19th of July.
What lovely people the BRA are, they looked after us like we were royalty,
many many thanks for the space, the welcome and everything!
We had a wonderful day here and we must thank everybody that came to support us too.
Fey seemed to be enjoying pulling Stanley around in a beautiful cart skillfully renovated
by Clint Cussans.
We spent the same weekend at :-

You can see their website by clicking on the logo.
We had a good couple of days here too, again thank you for all the support.

Gwen, David and Sarah Morgan'on the stand' ~
Ten year old Freddie greeting potential customers!
Many Thanks too to Show Dogs Freddie and Norma who graced our stand sporting those lovely neckerchiefs.
And we had welcome vistitors from the re-homing programme, you might call them ex-pats!

Evie & Archie came with Sue and Pat________________ and good ole' Bishop brought Zelda
E're Wos 'e doin' is 'e nickin' summat!
It has been brought to out notice that Jemma Oats has again been raising money for RIN
with a companion dog show, raising over £200. We should like some detail and if possible a photo or two.
if you can help with this please email by clicking here.

Thank you very much Jemma!
Our Gwen's been at it again!
This time at the Baily Head in Oswestry at the Oswestry Charity Market on Friday 06.06.2014
Setting up and taking down the stand, unpacking and packing up after,
but it was a glorious day weather wise
and she took a tidy sum toward funds too.

Many Thanks again go out to Gwen!
The (Pre-Easter) Bazaar in Oswestry
Proved again to be well worth the effort for raising funds.
The raffles alone raised £175,
thank you to everyone that bought tickets and especially to;
Zelda, Mary, Jane & Carol, they donated the prizes which
were won locally at the Oswestry Bazaar
and by show goers at the Club Show.

Left to Right, Mary, Zelda, Jane, Carol & Sarah - thank you very much for the prizes.
We've had another lovely generous donation
from Dog Of The Year organisers, Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club
(click to see their site)

Not the first donation either, thank you very much.

Baa Baa Blacksheep have you any wool?
Yes sir, Yes sir three bags full.
So are Gwen's bags!
Thank you for all the donations of wool,
(we will still accept any you want to part with)
We had a 'rush on' over the festive period and suddenly everything was full to overflowing.
We called for help and loads of you wonderful folk answered.
Here are the names of some of the kind folk who provided dog toys, treats, dog-beds, and dog coats,
Barbour types & duel purpose, fleecy / rainproof overcoat ones most through the 'Amazon Wish List'.
Susan Gunn, Donna Chambers, David Wright, Margaret Fordham, Di & Trevor Simmons & Sue & Pat Reehal.
some of you wished to remain anonymous, our collective hat is tipped to you too, thank you.
Unfortunately some parcels did not identify the purchaser, so if your name is not here we would love you to contact us,
so we can thank you here too.
We are so grateful of your generosity, see Ringo smiling and Eddie playing with a donated 'Boomer Ball' below!
Donations are going to increase the well being of the Rotts in our charge, feed, warmth, and vet bills
here's 'Jimmy Mac' having had some spent on his entropian problem. The love and care come free!

JimmyMac, having been fitted with his satelite dish seemed to enjoy his new found super-power' of directional barking'!
And here is the 'New Look' Jimmy Mac he says please thank all the folk who donated to get rid of my eye irritation!
So, Thank you all those folk that donated towards Jimmy's Eye op!
He is also rehomed! (see the rehomed page)
Kim came up with the 'Wish List for Christmas'.
It produced loads of treats for
the Dogs in our care.
Ringo was so happy with his coats, he loves
his 'Barbour' it keeps the rain off his back, and his warmer
'Burns Night' coat is lovely.

Here's our Ringo doing his modelling bit showing off two of his coats that Santa
brought him, one via the Christmas wish list is actually thicker and a 'two in one' for even colder weather.
His Lovely Tartan Coat was donated by the Priestley Family.

Eddie and a donated 'Boomer Ball' (and he still hasn't managed to pop it)!
Thanks go out to all you lovely people that chose to use the 'Wish List' as a donation route,
your generousity continues to both humble and amaze us.
The Amazon wish list was so successful we will run it again later this year.
We can't let the seasonal thank you's go without one very big enormous one to
Margaret Fordham and her wonderful clients at Ayrshire Dog Care for very generous donations.
She is also a patron of our sponsorship scheme.
If you need somewhere for your canines to stay and
Ayrshire is near
where you want them to be, this has to be your number one consideration.
Click here to go see for yourselves!
And on the subject of Kindness;
Ayrshire Dog Care - always kind - and Sarah Fisher and Tony Head raised £60
from selling wrist bands with the legend "Cool to be Kind". And - there's more! Another £25
Thank you so very much.

Thank you very much
Mary Bentley - as if she needed slimming down! has done a sponsored 'SlimAThong'
sorry, that's Slim'A'Thon in aid of RIN.
Again, details posted when we have the results....
How Much is a Christmas 'Wreath' Worth?

Well, its worth what you can get for it!
Rosemary made this one. She and Gwen decided it was worth a raffle, so they traipsed it around Oswestry
and sold raffles tickets to businesses, shops and anybody else who they could sell to, raising a grand total of
£127 for RIN.
Stirling effort girls, thank you very much indeed
If you have a fundraiser coming up and you would like us to print it here, then send details/photographs
by clicking here for the email
If you would like to see last years (2013) page, click here
(These are on-going fundraisers that keep bringing in funds and we do want to say; "Thank You Very Much"!)
EOS Author recognised by local paper
'Celica' The author of the Children’s book EOS a puppy's tail, has been recognised by the local newspaper, the Oswestry & Border Counties Advertizer,
and she has made herself available at various locations to sign and promote the book the takings for which, add to the Rottweilers In Need fundraising.
All the proceeds from the sale of the book go to help Rottweilers In Need.
We can only express our thanks to Celica for her initiative and generosity.

copies are still available at our online shop and are POSTAGE FREE!
Churchtown Dry Cleaners

A huge thank you to Wendy and Mark McGuire
of Churchtown Dry Cleaners
for their continued support for Rottweilers in Need. Their collection box continues to bring in a much needed and steady income.
Please keep up this excellent work!
Click here to return to page top
To see last years page (2013) please click here