Welcome to our

News & Fundraising Page 2024.

Our Latest News

Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events.

Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net
and we don't get to thank you personally through this medium.
Your donations, no matter how they are presented and of whatever size,
are so very much appreciated.
So forgive us if we didn't single you out,
but some of you we have managed to catch........

**(Quick link to Doggy Lottery on this page)**

If you would be so kind as to add to any donation, where your preference lies,
whether for instance, it is for a specific dog or cause, or a general donation.
It would help us to make sure your wishes are carried out.

========= + =========

We are saddened to learn of the death of

Joan Adams

Joan Adams

All of us at RIN join her family and friends

in mourning her passing and we can find no better wording in her honour

than that of the British Rottweiler Association which we print here;


It is with profound sadness and shock that we announce the passing of Joan Adams (Akenfield),

who left us yesterday (4th August 2024). Joan served as the President of The British Rottweiler Association

after many years as our esteemed Chairwoman, becoming the face and heart of the Association for over half a century.

Joan was an active and influential member of the Rottweiler community. Her contributions to the breed were immense,

often carried out behind the scenes without seeking public acclaim.

Joan's dedication to the Rottweiler breed and to the British Rottweiler Association was unwavering

and unparalleled. Our deepest sympathies go out to Joan’s family

and close friends, especially June Knox, during this difficult time.

Rest in peace, Joan.

Your legacy will live on in the hearts of all who knew you and in the

Rottweiler community you so dearly loved.

British Rottweiler Association.



Chris Window has also recorded Joan's passing on Facebook,

and his contribution may be read by clicking here


The photo's for Donner has caused some distress and so they have been moved from here to her own page.



Be warned they are grahic images.

Plus a new video and photo (happy ones!)

Donner's story is copied below from our facebook page.

We got a call from an amazing caring lady who along with her literal life saver daughter

had managed to get a Rottweiler bitch out of horrendous conditions where she had been living in a dark shed

for years having litter after litter.

Donner arrived the next day weighing in at 58kg with a distended abdomen,

large Mammary tumours, open infected sores on her legs and over grown nails,

but oh what a sweetheart�� Her amazing temperament is humbling how can a dog that has suffered so much

at the hands of humans still love us so much? Straight to the vets where she had a blood test,

scan, nails clipped and lots and lots of cuddles - falling asleep without sedation in the vets arms.

Donner has now had chest x rays which were thankfully clear and the surgery to remove the

mammary tumours - she was up and playing ball the very next day.

Her weight is down to 52.5 Kg and the sores on her legs are healing

- She is still occasionally trying to lick them, believed to be a habit going back to the years

she spent locked away on her own, but she is in foster now with a retired couple

who are with her constantly , playing ball with her during the day

and reassuring her through her howls at night.

Everyone who meets Donner falls in love with her and we are so grateful

that we were able to give her this second chance.

Her latest results sadly have shown that her tumours are malignant and may have spread,

but at the moment she is well.

Rottweilers in Need will continue to look after her and make sure she has the best life for as long as possible.

We cannot thank enough the family that got Donner to safety in the first place,

the staff at Southend vets 4 pets that have shown her such love and compassion,

her fosterers who selflessly agreed to look after her when we did not know what her prognosis would be

and all our incredible supporters who make it possible for us to help all of our Rottweilers in Need.

If you would like to make a donation towards Donners vet fees you can do so on our website

via the 'donate' buttons on every page, please mark it 'for Donner'.

Or please just continue to follow us, share our dogs needing homes.

Like all rescues we are finding it very hard at the moment we are seeing more cruelty cases coming in

that take time to heal and adjust, we are getting fewer applications yet still getting daily requests to take dogs,

often their last chance, but with no room we are helpless, frustrated and at an all time low.

If you would like to buy something for her we have an amazon wish list:


And while shopping you can help raise money for us without costing you anything


(red text is usually a live link)

We really are desperate for funds, we are all aware of the cost of veterinary care.

All of the dogs that come to us require some sort of professional care, be it just a check-up.

So please, we are asking again for your help to cover our veterinary bills.


Not all good news...

We have committed - as we do with all our charges -,

to continue care as long as the dog is not suffering;

Which is exactly what we will continue to do for Donner

She will receive palliative care for as long as she sees fit!



Welcome 2024 with hope for a good year

and grateful thanks for all the donations and help in 2023


Lemmys gone home

Sometimes we have to wonder if Tammany is doing too good a rehoming job!

If you want the News page for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018,2019,2020,2021,2022 or last year
please scroll to the bottom of this page for the links to those pages.


Click the logo to go to our Facebook pages,

all run by our wonderful volunteers.

To make a donation.....

Click the logo on the top of every page,

it will take you directly to our donation link on PayPal

Please, if you can, donate - LOTS!


We can put any Rottweiler related notifications on our pages for free

if you let us have the details in time.


Noteable donations for the care of our charges need to be acknowledged with many, many thanks.

Again our thanks to the Rottweiler Discussion Group

for a generous September donation of £239 via Lorraine Day.


The 'anon' Gentlemen with ANOTHER £250 Donation

This has recently been upgraded to a regular monthly donation

(We know who you are!!) So Even More Thanks!


Monthly donations on a DDM are really really helpful, it gives us a regular amount

that we can depend on making planning so very much easier.


The Eastern Counties Dog Of The Year 2024 has raised a splendid

£800 For RIN. Again we are so grateful to this wonderful group of generous folk

and send our most grateful thanks for their continuing support:


The Rottweiler discussion group is also helping to keep us in the black

with yet another very welcome Donation, this time £248

Thanks to Lorraine and the whole group.

We at RIN are really grateful for your brilliant and constant help.

click anywhere in the text to go to the Groups Facebook page

We have had a couple of donations for which we want to say thank you very much from Doreen Yates and

M. Winterbourne. Also a donation in memory of her beloved dog from Julia Bateson.

Thank you so much, we simply cannot do our job without your very kind donations.



All three have found their forever homes!


With great saddness we have to say goodbye to another friend.

John Osbourne.

John Osbourne

John left us quite suddenly.

Natasha has asked that donations in his memory be made available to Rottweilers In Need. A gesture that he would be proud of.

John and Natasha have supported the breed for many years, we send heartfelt condolenses to Natasha and hope she can continue

her support and love of our breed despite this great loss.

If you would like to donate in John's memory, please use any of the donate buttons and mark your donation 'To John's Memory'. Thank you.

Rest In Peace John.

all the staff at RIN.



Tammany has been busy putting together a list on AMAZON in answer to loads of questions about - "what else can we help with"

What happens is you click on the link and it takes you to Tammanys list of items you can buy and donate directly to RIN,

the item chosen will come directly to Tammany with no other involvement by you other than payment,

we will get the item and a note about who donated it.

Just click on the box below to be magically transported to Amazon....


RIN thanks you very much for the donation/s....



Anything you would like to bring

to our attention? Please write in to the webmaster (Click the red type)

(Rottweiler associated please)


who would throw a dog out...

who would throw a dog out at Christmas....

Who COULD throw a face like this out at anytime?

Meet Bailey.


This is one of our latest rescues, she is called Bailey. She was found tied to a gate and abandoned.

An examination and a scan showed her to be pregnant, possibly why there was no room at that particular Inn!

She was sporting a blank chip. (Surprise-surprise)!

We took Bailey in. Tammany gained her confidence and cleaned her up, a week later and we had six extra rescues

added to the load, all named after Santa's reindeer, they will of course, need to be homed!

We do not know who 'Dad' was but he must have been a handsome chap looking at the pups - chunky too!

Dark-Brindle(ly) and lively, healthy pups need money spent on them and permanent homes.

So, of course we are looking for their APPROVED forever homes.

If you think you are able to home one of these beautiful pups then please make contact.

Three boys Three Girls. Click here for a quick Video look at the pups.......

And each and every one has gone to their forever home, Thank you so much for all the support

Bye Pups

The last two to leave the nest!


We are so very grateful to the kindest of people who are still donating via monthly contributions.

We understand completely those of you who have had to tighten your belts and cancel, but

please know, we are very very grateful for past donations and hope at some point you are able to

reinstate these really necessary and appreciated regular donations that we are so dependent on.

But whatever you do: -




The doggy lotto Prizes for September

September Total Fund collected was £7480


1st prize was to Ticket 2617: B Dee winning £1000

2nd prize Ticket number 1077 £750 was won C Barczak

The third prize was £120 ticket #616 to L Riley

and other rescues benefitted

Well Done Jane!

And thank you very much to all the players!

Have a lucky October and play.

The Named Kennel for October 2024 is: -


You know resistance is futile!


Where 10% of their pot is for 'ADMIN'

And it's not Jane's Lottery, she takes NOTHING~ZILCH!

Jane Whittaker Runs this licenced, and therefore legal, lottery, with helper Kay.
It's for the benefit of rescued dogs. It even has a videoed draw!


'You Gots To Be Init To Win It'

Don't forget to mark it for "RIN" on your entry.

For full prize breakdown go to Jane's pages

You can watch the draw on facebook by CLICKING HERE.


Funds are awful short for folk to donate to rescues,

but we keep hoping you can still have a go!...

Thank You Very Much!

Thanks again to Jane & Kay on behalf of All the rescues you've helped...

The work involved must take her hours and all for free!

Plus, Jane is still collecting and sending TONS of food to the needy Dogs.



A Few of our friends

Don't forget to visit our facebook page!
(just click here)
Thank ewe for all the donations for our draws and tombolas.
Please keep them coming,


For everything, pet!!

73 Yorkshire Street Morecambe LA3 1QF

Click on the Red Text to go to the web site...



Two Pubs is Oswestry have boxes for donations to RIN on the bar, so if you fancy a quick pint while you are donating, drop in at the Fox on church Street, or the Butcher's Arm's on Willow street. Food available too!


[Click here to return to the top of the page]
To see the News page for 2023 please click here

To see the News Page for 2022 please click here

To see the News Page for 2021 please click here
To see the News page for 2019 please click here.
To see the News page for 2018 please click here.
To see the News page for 2017 please click here.
To see the News page for 2016 please click here
To see the News page for 2015 please click here
To see the News Page for 2014 please click here.
To see the News Page for 2013 please click here.


For more information on the process of adoption then please click here.
All contents of this site Copyright © Rottweilers in Need 2024 unless otherwise stated, and may not be duplicated elsewhere without permission. All rights reserved.