& Fundraising (2015/16)
Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events.
Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net
and we don't get to thank you personally through this medium.
Your donations, no matter how they are presented and of whatever size,
are so very much appreciated. So forgive us if we didn't single you out,
but some of you we have managed to catch........
If you need to see the pages for 2013 or 2014
please scroll to the bottom of this page for the links
Its a bit of an embarrassment when you have to start the new year with an apology
But my head is held in shame, after publicising our fundraising
effort with Christmas greetings (or New Year)
We received a stonking donation to do just that from P&D Burrage, and it somehow
got lost in my piling system
So to everyone that Knows The Burrages
Have the greatest New Year EVER!
(and I am sorry for my error).
We should like to thank Leanne Lewis and at the same time
commiserate with her over the loss of her Mum, Barbara Walby who had reached the good age of 94
Many will remember Barbara
as possibly the first to introduce Rottweilers to Wales in 1968
and also as a founder member of the Rottweiler Club
of Wales.

Mrs. Walby asked instead of flowers a collection be made in her memory
and donated to RIN, for which we are humbly grateful.
On A Lighter Note
Our leader also rescues Chickens and the eggs are sold in aid of Rescued Rotts
All kept and raised free-range and organically of course
EGGSactly wots needed - more funds
Wonderful Zelda has purchased for Ann at £2.50 each!
TEN Rescued Hens, and Ann's eggstatic!
From of all places, a Chicken Rescue organisation, would you believe that!
All Yolking apart, we are going to put a link here for them
in case you would like a chicken or two
They are called Fresh Start For Hens the address is
or you can click on this link to go there
OOO it's enough to bring one out of ones shell....

Chucks in Transit ~well ~Vauxhall anyway....................And settling in nicely
Its never a good time of year to mark the passing of friends
makes it even less bearable.
So it is with sadness we mark the death of Jeff Bond
the serving vice chairman of LASER.
Donations to RIN have been made in his memory from various people
including The Rottweiler Club, Pauline Lockyer and Julie
We should like to pass our condolences to Rebecca, to Jeff's Family
his many friends and to LASER who lose a very able committee member.
Bev Hucker organised the collection which realised for RIN's benefit in a three way split with other rescues, nearly £150. Very many thanks.
C'mon now, we've got a few left that need "rescuing"
Here's Ringo,
He wants to say a special 'Thank You'
and wish a very Merry Christmas
to 'Jack'

10 year old Jack has donated his Christmas money to Ringo's Skin Care

Riley Says, Hello Jack would you like to see my Christmas Reindeer?
It's getting to be a lot like Christmas! Ho!Ho!Ho!

Which of course means an extra effort for funds to help with
all the
extra rescues
that this season inevitably brings.
And it has started badly this week ending 15/11 we have already
taken insix dogs and there are at least two more to come!
So PLEASE! Keep thumping that Donate button
And speaking of thank you's and extra rescues.
We were overwhelmed with the response to the appeal on our FaceBook Page for 'Donny'
You stuck hands in pockets and clicked donate on the site in a most generous fashion
You rallied to the call like, like ... well... rallying things!
What a fantastic load of friends we have.
You all need to reach up and over and pat yourselves firmly on the back!

Say hello to 'Donny'
Renamed From 'Ronnie'
Then of course there is Page Allen,
we decided she has done so much
she deserved special recognition
and so Mary Bentley and Kim Cussans presented her
with a certificate to mark the occasion.
And yet again we are saying
Thank You Page

Even the Newspapers are at it...
Look at that~Page on Page.
And another Thank you goes to Paul who has
fulfilled RIN's need for a freezer,
presenting us with a brand new one so we can maintain our Frozen assets!
Thanks a million Paul!
Well there's nowt like kicking fate in the wotsits is there,
Freezer number two has gone bang on us, so guess what?
We're still looking for that elusive, nice big chest freezer,
if you can help, please make contact with anyone here,
any of the 'Click Here links' will take you to some-one..
A specal Christmas Ta very much!
Now heres a belting Idea...
Send us loads of cash and we'll save you the trouble of sending out Christmas Cards
How are you going to do that I hear you ask?
Well, Simple we just publish a ''to all your friends'' card Here.
Just think of the stamps it will save you....
Jo Ellis (Falkor) & Karen Davies (Newgen) are first in line!

Just look at that, its got falling snow and everything!!!
Anybody want to send out New Years Greetings?
And Christmas draw result
Oswestry Folk were our last target, so if you bought tickets for a chance to win one of our
fantastic prizes:- Champagne pack, that includes a carrying case complete with two champagne flutes,
kindly donated by Anne & Rob Johnson;
a voucher for a 'Winter Warmer' from our friend Carol
at the Oswestry Heritage centre, Dogs are welcome! (soup and a roll, tea or Coffee
and a - separately gifted by Graham Wilcock - bottle of Southern Comfort);
AND one of Jane 'Mary Berry' Powell's super Christmas Cakes,

of course it wouldn't be a Christmas draw without Rosemary Bennet's gorgeous door wreath (piccy is last years),
We thank you very much.
And the winners were:-
Champagne, ticket #320, won by Hannah Clifford, Door Wreath, ticket #196, Won by Eve
Winter Warmer, ticket #326, won by Sue Furse, Christmas Cake, ticket #84, won by Iris Cockburn.
The dogs in our care are most grateful for your participation in our fundraising efforts, without which
we couldn't continue.
The raffle raised £264 and its was run by our local, Oswestry volunteers, Rosemary, Jane, Paul & Gwen
without whom the place would be a lot less happy and a lot harder to run!
Thank you gets used so often, but it means no less for that, RIN is run by caring folk that give time, money and support
Please, show yours by hitting a donate button, and....... Thank you very much.
We have had success at LASER. where
Linnette and her helpers cake stall raised £145.91 a fantastic effort
A big Thank you to Linnette and her helpers.
The exclusive draw at LASER was also a big sucess
The prizes of Wine, Chocolates, Christmas Cake and of course A Big Cuddly Toy!
The Prizes

Prizes donated by; 1st Prize, Choc Hamper by Sarah Morgan; won by ticket #44 D.Moran
2nd Prize Wine ~ Mary Bentley won by ticket #23, S.Evans: 3rd Prize Xmas Cake by Our own Mary Berry - Ja
ne Powell was won by ticket #48- S.D.Evans:
And the 4th Prize Teddy & Friend ~ by Lesley Melvyn was won by ticket #13, A. Davis
Thank you so very much everyone that bougth tickets for helping us by look aftr our charges.
Page Allen,
it has come to the notice of RIN that you have been
mugging people and honest stall holders
for Stuff to go on Kim's Auction,
AND that you have raised over £200 by doing so!
We further believe you are continuing to pursue funds,WELL, GO GIRL!!
Keep up this sterling work
Thank you so very much...
Have you noticed your calendar is running out of months?
That's a good clue it's time for a new one, "
Oh!" I hear you cry
"From whence can I get a new one for 2016?"
Well, they are now on sale in the shop
Our resident Auctioneer is in THE HOUSE!
We've started Already!!
Kim Cussans is at it again,
so get your penny jar out for an airing and start honing your bidding skills
'cos they are both needed! To get to see all the goodies on offer,
Go to FACEBOOK and type 'Rottweilers in need Auction', ask to join
It only runs for a month finishing on 31/10/15
What looks like one cold and nearly frosty EARLY September Morn,
Kim Baker Brown set up a stall in aid of RIN at a carboot somewhere?
Keep up that good work Kim, we look forward to hearing your result
if work and appearance are anything to go by, you are going to be busy!
What ever the result Huge Thanks are in order!
Kim Managed to raise £156~supreme effort!
Thank you Kim!
We had a BRILLIANT TIME at the South Western Championship show
It was in its new Venue near Bridgewater.
The cake baking stall reached dizzy heights
taking £180+ for the benefit of the dogs in our care
Your generosity is sometimes so overwhelming
This stupendus effort was put together by
Nicola Marker, the baking was done by Linnet Allison and Victoria Sawbridge-Clapp.
Cakes were also donated by Alistair Clapp, Jacqui Haige and Steve Marker.
The hard work of selling was undertaken by Callum Marker and his girlfriend Liv.
Thank you seems hardly appropriate, but hey

Thanks must go out to South Western Rotts for their hospitaity
It is with sadness that we mark the passing of Chris Tate.
Chris was very supportive of RIN in our early days,
suppling hand made items for us
to sell for the upkeep of our dogs.
Chris Tate.
Our condolences and thoughts are with her husband Alan and her family.
We are extremly grateful for the generous donation given to us in her name.
***Diary Dates 2015***
We will post 2015 dates here as they come in
Please keep checking, you can also send us notable
happenings that
you think might be of interest, (don't be disappointed if we don't).
Well we're off then for another lovely year.
But we must however go back to the end of last year first. In December,
Norma Window (Hanbar Rottweilers)
arranged a Health Seminar for Rottweiler
breeders at the
White Referrals Centre near Newmarket.
And she's only gone and donated the proceeds from the day to Rottweilers Rescues.
RIN was a beneficiary and we are very grateful. Thank you very much Norma.
We have a welcome addition to our donations.
An Oswestry shop has been kind enough to put a donation box on the counter and already has had success
Thanks go out to Tina, her rottweiler Ella and everyone at Boozed up in Oz.
We wanna tell you a story! Funnily enough, about a Rottweiler.....

We had a rescue dog that we called Erik,
as you can see a lovely looking boy.
Anyway, Erik was spotted for what he is, a sound and solid Rottweiler dog, he is now called Dyson and he has his forever home with
Gill and David in Shropshire. They had recently lost a lovely dog, who too was one of our rescues.
Gill and David have vintage motorcycles and these can be seen at various shows, where they are now always accompanied by Dyson.
So far they have been to the West Midlands Vintage Tractor Show at the Shrewsbury Showground
which is not just tractors but all vintage vehicles, then there was the Aston-On-Clun show
and if you go to Onslow park Shrewsbury for the Steam Rally (click for further info)
you will be able to meet him, you can always see the vintage stuff too!

Dyson Sporting his 'Rottweilers In Need' Hi-Viz.
Not that he needs Hi-Viz to be noticed, Gill is always fighting folk off that want to take him home. She has to explain that he is
an ambassador for RIN and that she has already adopted him and he is staying!
We do like to share happy stories!
Gwen's Stirling efforts continue!
Oswestry Market was the venue for Gwen's latest fund raising.
A lovely sunny day on 5th of June and the kind folks of Oswestry raised a pretty penny or two for RIN funds

so thank you one and all for the very welcome and needed contributions.
wosacake, it looks like a burger to me?

Alsion Nicholl baked a cake, but nobody got to taste it!
However..... More than one got baked and the "cake'a'thon" raised £150 for RIN
The 'rescued' ones were delicious and they did get eaten.
Watch out Jane, your "Mary Berry" title is in Danger!
Thank you so very much everyone that helped, bought and enjoyed the cakes.
BRA Championship show.
We had a good time here.
Thanks to everyone for supporting us, and of course to
BRA for allowing us to have our stand here.
We always have a good time here and to top off the brilliant day,
BRA made a substantial donation to RIN
Which we received very gratefully.
Thank You So Very Much!
Kim has done it again!
The 2015 'Facebook Auction' finished on 24th of April.
A Huge thank you to everyone that participated in the Auction.
To those of you that provided items for the auction and to everybody that made purchases.
But the biggest Thank You of all has to go to Kim Cussons for the organisation and
bringing everything together and just 'getting on with it'
That Getting on with it brought £1621 into the coffers of RIN to help our charges
It is with great sadness that we mark the death of Joyce Radley (Intisari Rottweilers)
Joyce and Peter have been involved with the breed for many years,
their most influential dog being Castor (Eng Ch Castor of Intisari imp DK)

Joyce passed peacefully in hospital on 22nd February
Instead of flowers, mourners were asked to make a donation
to RIN
Which amounted to £550.50 these donations will go toward the upkeep
of the Rottweilers in our care and we are most grateful
Our heartfelt condolences to Peter.
We have to say a very big thank you for the generosity of DOTY
The Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club's Dog Of The Year competition

They have again 'promoted the welfare and wellbeing of the breed'
with a donation of £1500 to RIN, where it will be used for the welfare of our charges
Thank you so very very much
The Midland Rottweiler Club
Held its Championship show
on Good Friday 3rd April
Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire
And Easter weekend brought our first show venue for 2015
The Rottweiler Club Championship Show on April 4th

We were of course there with our stand, and well worth the effort it was too, thank you to everybody that came to see us
and spent loads on our fine, wonderful, useful, 'can't do without' goods
We also made our 'Great Easter' draw here, three lucky winners were from Oswestry where our hard working ticket sellers sold
lots of draw tickets. Overall the draw produced £263, so thank you for every single ticket bought and of course for the donations and to the volunteer tickets sellers.
1st Prize went to Richard Edwards; 2nd to Rebecca Evans; 3rd to P. Tudhope and the 4th to Janis Horton.
Again, huge thanks to all participants.
And Just look at the lovely 'chocolatey' Prizes that were Donated:

Thanks go to David and Sarah Morgan for the enormous Easter hamper

Mary Bentley for the Easter Eggs and Graham Wilcock for the Southern Comfort
The prizes for the Easter Draw.
We made a good start with an 'Oswestry pre-Christmas draw', or maybe it was a good end?
Whatever, loads of tickets were sold by our Owestry based volunteers
Jane, Rosemary, Gwen & Paul. Between them they raised a magnificent £260,
a fantastic effort especially considering most of the prizes were also donated by them!
These are the happy winners:
Richard Edwards won the First Prize of a Christmas wreath, which incidentally was entered
in a local
Gardening Club competition and it won FIRST PRIZE!
It was made and donated by our own 'Kirsty Allsop' Rosemary Bennett,
so its very well done indeed Rosemary, it already had a history before
it adorned Richard's front door.

Brian Radford and Deb Watson each won a bottle of whisky, 2nd and 3rd Prize
(A kind person donated a second bottle, thank you very much).
Maggie Green won the fourth prize a Mini Hamper (I don't think it was a car?)
whilst Tracy Smith drew the Fifth prize of sweets.
Thank you so very much for the donations and for buying tickets.
And a huge thank you for selling them too!
We are very very pleased to announce that Kim and
friends made a (£two) GRAND total of £2250 for the pre-Christmas auction!
What a fantastic effort, praises go to all concerned and thanks to the many buyers
and to the donators of all the 'stuff' that was auctioned.
The items here are on-going fundraisers that keep bringing in funds
and we do want to say: "Thank You Very Much"!

Don't forget to visit our facebook page! (just click here)
Baa Baa Blacksheep have you any wool?

Thank you for all the donations of wool.
Please keep them coming, it keeps our Gwen supplied ewe know.
Have ever wondered what happened to the wool that Gwen has collected ?
Well, wonder no more. This selection of 'Gwen's Knits'
have been sold over the last few years
in various shows stalls and market stalls, wherever she gets an excuse to set up a stand.
The 'Rottweilers in Need' knitted bunting has adorned
stands in shows
for a while.
Gwen knits these useful bits and pieces whilst walking her dogs, writing novels and at other times
Its the only way we can see, that she finds time in her busy schedule which as far as can be ascertained
is centred on the well-being of Rottweilers in need!
She even buys wool so she can donate it to Rottweilers In Need!

If you click the photo you can see a larger version just cick your 'BACK' button to return.
We reckon that over the last few years Gwen has added upwards of £300 to the care of our charges
and its all done with very modest pricing, for instance a pair of woollen child's mittens can be bought for as little as a couple of quid.
Gwen, you are a trooper, thank you for all the effort you add to the slog of fundraising.
Celica, has written about the puppyhood and training of EOS a Rottweiler pup, all the profits
are to be donated to
Rottweilers In Need. We must thank her for her initiative and generosity.

copies are available at our online shop and are POSTAGE FREE!
Churchtown Dry Cleaners

And Yet Again!
A huge thank you to Wendy and Mark McGuire
of Churchtown Dry Cleaners
for their continued support for Rottweilers in Need.
Their collection box continues to bring in a much needed and steady income. Please keep up this excellent work!
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To see the 2014 please click here
To see the 2013 please click here