Rottweilers In Need |
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Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events. Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net Click the logo for our Facebook pages ***+*** Well, thanks go out to everyone that bought 'squares' for the Christmas draw The prize winners were..... And do you know? It raised £220! ***+*** ALL THE CALENDARS HAVE NOW SOLD OUT THANK YOU ALL SO VERY VERY MUCH We are so very grateful for this help without which it would be impossible to continue. Clicking here will take you to our New Years card to you! From us all at RIN ***+*** Our very Own 'Merry Berry'
This time her cakes have raised, (or is that self raised)? Jane is not all that well and she has found herself in Hospital for a while. Seriously though, we all wish you very well Jane, very soon. ***+*** Val Creer
We had the sad task of extending RIN's condolences to Dave Creer on the loss of his wife Val. Her funeral took place at Pentrebychan Crematorium in Wrexham on Wednesday 13th December. The service was lovely. Dave had requested that donations in her memory should go to Rottweilers in need. We would like to thank him and of course everyone who donated towards the total £380. Toyota, Dave's employer, have added an additional £50 ***+*** We must thank the Rottweiler Club who welcomed us to their open show click the logo for the site To learn more about nibbles click here ***+*** The SWRA Championship Club show Was on Sunday 22nd October
Our sincere thanks go to the organisers for allowing us in to sell; Our GOODIES LIKE:- This years Christmas card
The 2018 CALENDAR which are all sold out - Thank you!
***+*** Thank you to everyone who supported Kim's successful Auction ***+*** Linnett Allison has been baking AGAIN and she has surpassed last years cakes sales together with the sales and the raffle she raised for us £193.61 ***+*** Enjoyment abounds! LASER is another of our more enjoyable venues; and this year was no exception Gwen seen enjoying practicing her sales patter on a Teddy! A more comprehensive (and sensible) report coming soon....... and while we were at LASER......... "Being Canine" Dale McLelland is a dog behaviourist and amongst boarding, training and assessing
And it resulted in a donation to RIN of £210 Not Only that, Margaret Fordham of the famous Ayrshire Dog Care £410 Our sincere and very grateful thanks to you both. ***+*** Guess who had a Birthday then!!
A few friends celebrated Ann's Birthday with her. A pleasant evening was finished off with a Birthday cake courtesy Jo & Matt Dunne-Smith from Oswestry windows and Doors, they have a couple of RIN rescues too! ***+*** OOOO Didn't we have a good time at BRA! And we must thank BRA for the Year On Year Support, hospitality and permission for our stand.
This was made up from the Donation of £400, plus the raffle proceeds of the Rottweiler Statuette £316.70 And of course, A big thank you to all you lovely folk that support our stand! ***+***
And we will put it to very good use, Thank you very much Sue. ***+*** Clare Lacey! Clare organised a photo competition and it has has raised
***+*** Do you remember, earlier in the year Lorraine Day and the Rottweiler discusion group donated a large sum This time an even larger amount (£270) was donated to help the Rotts in our charge, this is ***+*** £191.07 from her now famous 'Car Boot Sale' Thank you so very much Kim for the effort and the funds! ***+***
***+*** DIDN'T SHE DO WELL! Kim's Latest Auction has now ended. Thank you very much for all the support It ran to the 12th May and she managed to raise £1500 for RIN Well done and loads of thanks go out to Kim, her helpers and everybody that participated A brilliant performance AGAIN! A new one should be up around October so watch out for it! ***+*** Jane Whittaker Runs a licenced and therefore legal lottery And the result for November; 362 numbers sold £724 Good Job Jane! Decembers target rescue is Many Tears Rescue; You can watch the draw on facebook by CLICKING HERE. What happens is a multiple of £2 is donated, and each £2 donation has a number allocated. At the end of the month From September Jane is trying another format for prize distribution where every Rescue that gets 20 votes or more Lets see if we can't get RIN up there again... It is run solely on Facebook. (search for 'The doggy lottery' on Facebook) THE PREFERRED METHOD IS DON'T FORGET VOTE FOR RIN THIS MONTH, AND WE MIGHT EVEN GET 1/3 OF THE POT TOO!! You can contact Jane with a PM on FB or use this email address *WINNERS WILL BE CONTACTED USING THEIR CHOSEN PAYMENT METHOD* Well, I'm off to do a regular payment, I might get a third of the pot ***+***
We had a really good time here, the draw raised £112 and Kim and Lily pulling Our thanks to The Midland Rott club for allowing us in. The next Show we're at is BRA in July we'll post more detail and put up links nearer the time. Draw prizes 1st Debbie Rowell won the wine with ticket 48 second prize, the lovely Doll was won by Nina Beach with ticket 34 third, eggs in a basket, went to 'Petra' forth, even more eggs in a basket, Debbie Rowell with ticket 63 and last prize plastic fives, went to Jackie Powell with tickwet 30. We hope you enjoy your prizes and a sincere thank you to all our ticket buyers. ***+*** You may have heard of this particular dog show in Birmingham? CRUFTS We were present as usual promoting our breed We'll give you a write up as soon as we can. ***+*** We had a meeting...... Of friends in Oswestry, all friends of RIN of course, and we combined it with a '*@SURPRISE@*' for Jane, well. it just happened to be her birthday too, we didn't discuss much about RIN, but we had a good time and we think Jane enjoyed it! Jane trying out for 'Psycho, the remake'. And the rest of us enjoying the evening. ***+*** What do you think of when you hear 'CARIAD', I live on the Welsh border and it is a Welsh term of endearmentand it means Love or Beloved. But if you take it as an acronym, its used by an organisation against any cruelty to dogs including puppy farming Care And Respect Includes All Dogs. You can read their story here (Click the red letters) Also click on this Logo for their charter As a rescue organisation, we have the fallout from these puppy farms
to contend with,
![]() Don't forget to visit our facebook page! (just click here) |
Thank you for all the donations of wool. Please keep them coming, it keeps our Gwen supplied ewe know. |
![]() Churchtown Dry Cleaners And Yet Again! A huge thank you to Wendy and Mark McGuire of Churchtown Dry Cleaners for their continued support. Their collection box continues to bring in a much needed and steady income. Please keep up this excellent work! |
Two Pubs is Oswestry have boxes for donations to RIN on the bar, so if you fancy a quick pint while you are donating, drop in at the Fox on church Street, or the Butcher's Arm's on Willow street. Food available too!
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To see News Page for 2013 , please click here
For more information on the process of adoption then
please click here. |