Rottweilers In Need |
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N.B. You will notice that we show as a site that is not secure, Google have begun labelling all sites without an SSL (secure layer) as 'NOT SECURE', we collect no data and prefer to use the cost of an SSL for our dogs. Tansactions at the shop: All transactions are via an SSL on PayPal and you will notice that the padlock does appear on that page. |
Welcome to our News & Fundraising Page 2022. Thank you's must go out for donations, many of whom slip through the net
Thanks again go out to our anonymous donor for an excellent £271 toward our funds A very Merry and Happy Christmas to you sir!
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Calendars now at last, are being delivered. please order now if you haven't already done so.
WE APOLOGISE BUT 'ASK CALENDARS' have had multiple excuses for non-delivery. They are now filtering through.
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thing, a Christmas bake and she has raised the sizzling sum of £250 Donated to the care of our dogs at RIN and in memory of Ann. Thank you so much Jane, and we are really glad to see you have recovered.
just click anywhere in the text to go to the Raw Made Simple site.
and he is there for Christmas Well, that has made my Christmas!
Oh My Christmas! The Doggy Lottery has broken the £7K barrier with a record pot of £7834!!! Come on lets smash another record in DECEMBER...
Yet another donation from the Rottweiler Discussion Group has been received into our funds allowing us to continue our work. This time a wonderful £333. The continued support from this group is very gratefully received. Thank you so very much.... ----===*+*===---- Also; A £50 donation in Mary McPhail's memory has come in from The North Of England Rottweiler Club We send our most sincere thanks to NOERC. ----===*+*===---- Its nice to get updates occasionally, there are new dogs for adoption on their page. But here are some interesting photo's from Tammany. I am in awe of her work for the dogs in her care and pleased she has found the time to send in photo's of the new dogs and some Lovely Volunteers. Many, Many thanks go out to them, they are mostly unseen but so needed. Danny - Orla - Dave - Sheila. Kay, Jackie & Orla
Learning to love and getting to know the Vet: Please take the time to see 'Skinny Minnie's' new photo on 'the dogs' page. ----===*+*===---- Donations from a Mr Anon are very gratefully received, and it's not the first one either.. Thank you so very much (Whoever you are ! ) ----===*+*===---- One of the Rottweilers Greatest authorities has sadly passed away. Mary Macphail. RIN Extends the greatest sympathy to family and friends. I met Mary back in the early seventies when looking for my first Rottweiler, we travelled to Hook to meet Mary and her dogs and she set us off on the right foot for which I was then and still am now, very grateful. Chris Window has published an obituary in --------------- June Knox & Joan Adams have donated £50 to RIN from their kennel Akenfield & Torrenta in memory of Mary and her contribution to our favourite breed. Mary's books are still available and still vital. __===+===__ The Rottweiler Discussion Group has donated a Very gratefully received £315. These donations from the group are so very needed and helpful and we can't tell you how much they mean to us Thank you seems inadequate for your generosity but..... THANK YOU VERY MUCH! and it's so very nice to be able to start the year off by saying so! ----===*+*===---- Thank you to Jane Powell, another delicious Christmas bake resulting in another healthy donation to RIN. Also:- Thank You (again) Mary Bently for another generous donation. We must also thank Mr & Mrs Chamberlain, they have donated in memory of 'Kiera' And the Rottweiler discussion group have been discussing again! and RIN has Benefitted with a good-sized donation.
£444 Christmas present to RIN which is very well received. ***************************************************************** Click the logo or use the 'QR' code to go to our Facebook pages, all run by our wonderful volunteers. This QR code will take you directly to our donation link on PayPal Please, if you can, Use it - LOTS! Our Latest News
Please scroll down to see all the current news and upcoming events. COVID Autumn Jabs are due and there is Still no sign of that fat lady singing yet! But Yet Another new varient cometh just for Christmas SO STAY ON YER TOES!!! Hang on to your masks and keep your distance!! you know it makes sense.... ---===++===--- Our gratitude has to go out to all the NHS folk and key workers, I would like to extend that to folk like Sue, Tammany, Joyce and all the volunteers the country - even the world - over for still caring enough to carry on working, sometimes in isolation, looking after animals of all types, but especially dogs! The unseen like Jane Whittaker still caring enough to continue working the Doggy Lottery, and there are loads of people slogging away, usually un-thanked and underappreciated. If you can spare a couple of pounds to donate to one of the charities - please do so, there is a huge need at this time. Have a go at the doggy lottery, who knows, you might even win a few quid? ***+*** We are so very grateful to the kindest of people who are still donating via monthly contributions. We understand completely those of you who have had to tighten your belts and cancel, but please know, we are very very grateful for past donations and hope when this is all over you can reinstate the really necessary and appreciated donations that we are so dependent on. But whatever you do: - LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER AND STAY SAFE!! ***+*** You never know, if you were to win you might be able to afford your fuel bills! WATCH OUT FOR THE PLAGIARISTS, Where 10% of their pot is for 'ADMIN' And it's not Jane's Lottery, she takes NOTHING~ZILCH! Jane Whittaker Runs this licenced, and therefore legal, lottery. *TRY PLAYING THE DOGGO LOTTERY!* You can only be Lucky with a 2022 December lottery if you PLAY! keep nominating RIN on your ticket and push a prize in RIN's direction, so don't forget to mark it for RIN on your entry. November was A total fund of £7834 ! Its creeping up... watch out Mr £2 a ticket and £1K prize. CAN WE GET THIS OVER THE £8K for December?? November's Winners were J Calladine and L Shuttleworth ***+*** Funds are awful short for folk to donate to rescues, but we keep hoping you can still have a go!... The remainder after the top prizes went to the nominated rescues so...Thank You Very Much! The Named Kennel for November 2022 is:- And can we have a round of very heavy applause for Jane! Thanks again Jane on behalf of All the rescues you've helped... The work involved must take her hours and all for free! Plus, she is still collecting and sending TONS of food to the needy Dogs. So a very sincere THANK YOU Jane! ++++++++++ Let's Keep this fund raising going PLEASE! Buy a ticket - or two- knowing you have helped loads of animals, the Prizes come out of the total collected and everything else goes to rescues. You can watch the draw on facebook by CLICKING HERE. (only available during the draw) What happens is a multiple of £2 is donated, and each £2 donation has a number allocated. At the end of the month, one winning number is randomly picked and will receive 25% of the pot, The idea is to give the less well represented rescues a chance, Lets see if we can't get RIN up there again... don't forget to mark your entry for RIN. It is run solely on Facebook. (search for 'The doggy lottery' on Facebook) THE PREFERRED METHOD IS DON'T FORGET VOTE FOR RIN THIS MONTH when you buy your ticket, AND WE MIGHT EVEN GET A QUARTER OF THE POT TOO!! You can contact Jane with a PM on FB or use this email address *WINNERS WILL BE CONTACTED USING THEIR CHOSEN PAYMENT METHOD* Well, I'm off to do a regular payment, I might get a lump of the pot We Thank you for a Good Job Jane!
[Click here to return to the top of the page] To see the News Page for 2021 please click here
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All contents of this site Copyright © Rottweilers in Need 2022 unless otherwise stated, and may not be duplicated elsewhere without permission. All rights reserved. |